Kings of Magh Se.C3.B3la Ó Flaithbheartaigh
ireland in 1450
the uí briúin seóla 1 of major branches of powerful uí briúin dynasty, had become dominant force in connacht 8th century. genealogies list 2 sons of murchadh mac maenach: urchadh , urumhain. urchadh mac murchadh, king of maigh seóla (also listed king of iarthair connacht, died 945, in 14th century book of ballymote) father of bé binn inion urchadh, princess of uí briúin seóla , queen of thomond (fl. 10th century). bé binn married cennétig mac lorcáin of thomond produce son become high king of ireland (irish: ard-rí na hÉireann): brian bóruma mac cennétig, known in english brian boru (c. 941–23 april 1014). brian broke near monopoly of uí néill on high kingship of ireland , fought unite ireland people under one, native king. father, cennétig mac lorcáin of thomond, 1 of principal leaders of resistance danish viking incursions. cennétig had several wives , children positively assigned bé binn mother of brian bóruma.
bé binn s sister creassa inion urchadh wife of king tadg mac cathail of connacht, while sister, caineach inion urchadh, married ancestor of clann coscraig sept of uí briúin seóla. brother, donnchadh mac urchadh succeeded father king of maigh seóla (943–959).
like uí briúin seóla, uí briúin ai major branch of uí briúin dynasty, whom high medieval ua conchobair (o connor) kings of connacht, including last high king of ireland, ruaidrí ua conchobair, descended.
the Ó flaithbertaigh family line , kingship can traced brión mac echach muigmedóin, king of connacht, half-brother of niall of 9 hostages. father, eochaid muigh meadhoin mac muiredach, was, according legend, 122nd high king of ireland , direct descendant of galamh milesius (c. 1763 bce – c. 1699 bce). galamh milesius s bloodline produced kings in succession on 3,000 years. kingship passed on direct descendants starting Érimón mac míl espáine, 2nd high king of ireland son of galamh milisius.
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