Banks by legal classification List of banks and credit unions in Canada

1 banks legal classification

1.1 schedule banks (domestic banks)
1.2 schedule ii banks (subsidiaries of foreign banks)
1.3 schedule iii banks (branches of foreign banks)

1.3.1 full service
1.3.2 lending only

banks legal classification

banks in canada classified ownership domestic banks, subsidiaries of foreign banks, or branches of foreign banks. greater explanation of classifications, see banking in canada , canada bank act.

schedule banks (domestic banks)

place ville-marie home montreal offices of royal bank of canada

under canada bank act, schedule banks not subsidiary of foreign bank, i.e., domestic banks, if have foreign shareholders. there 30 domestic banks of september 2016.

on november 10, 2014, home capital group announced has applied charter home trust bank under schedule i.

schedule ii banks (subsidiaries of foreign banks)

the toronto branch of bank of china (canada).

as of october 2015, there 24 of these banks in canada, including 3 in liquidation.

schedule iii banks (branches of foreign banks)
full service

the following banks not authorized accept deposits in canada of less $150,000. of august 2016, there 28 such banks in canada.

lending only

the following banks prohibited accepting deposits or borrowing money except financial institutions. there 4 such banks in canada of august 2016.


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