Life cycle Synanthedon myopaeformis

1 life cycle

1.1 egg
1.2 caterpillar
1.3 pupa
1.4 adults

life cycle

each female can lay 250 eggs. eggs lain singly on bark of host trees, typically in cracks or damaged areas of trunk , branches.


after hatching, larvae bore bark of host trees, digging phloem of tree. bore through tree, leave trails of waste visible outside of tree. larvae mature on host tree 2 years. during warm weather, caterpillars move along bark of tree feeding on young plant tissues, including buds of apple trees. @ beginning of winter, caterpillars once again bore tree spend cold season under bark. emerge in spring feed. larvae repeat feeding – wintering cycle once more before emerging , boring final hole in bark in pupate.


after burrowing bark, larvae compose golden brown cocoons stick out tree. compared larval stage, pupal stage shorter @ 2 weeks.


adults emerge cocoons in summer.


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