Classical Greece Misogyny


in book city of sokrates: introduction classical athens, j.w. roberts argues older tragedy , comedy misogynistic tradition in greek literature, reaching @ least far hesiod. term misogyny comes directly english ancient greek word misogunia (μισογυνία), survives in several passages.

the earlier, longer, , more complete passage comes moral tract known on marriage (c. 150 bc) stoic philosopher antipater of tarsus. antipater argues marriage foundation of state, , considers based on divine (polytheistic) decree. uses misogunia describe sort of writing tragedian euripides eschews, stating reject[s] hatred of women in writing (ἀποθέμενος τὴν ἐν τῷ γράφειν μισογυνίαν). offers example of this, quoting lost play of euripides in merits of dutiful wife praised.

the other surviving use of original greek word chrysippus, in fragment on affections, quoted galen in hippocrates on affections. here, misogyny first in short list of 3 disaffections —women (misogunian), wine (misoinian, μισοινίαν) , humanity (misanthrōpian, μισανθρωπίαν). chrysippus point more abstract antipater s, , galen quotes passage example of opinion contrary own. clear, however, groups hatred of women hatred of humanity generally, , hatred of wine. prevailing medical opinion of day wine strengthens body , soul alike. chrysippus, fellow stoic antipater, views misogyny negatively, disease; dislike of good. issue of conflicted or alternating emotions philosophically contentious ancient writers. ricardo salles suggests general stoic view [a] man may not alternate between philogyny , misogyny, philanthropy , misanthropy, prompted each other.

aristotle has been accused of being misogynist; has written women inferior men. according cynthia freeland (1994):

aristotle says courage of man lies in commanding, woman s lies in obeying; matter yearns form, female male , ugly beautiful ; women have fewer teeth men; female incomplete male or were, deformity : contributes matter , not form generation of offspring; in general woman perhaps inferior being ; female characters in tragedy inappropriate if brave or clever[.]

in routledge philosophy guidebook plato , republic, nickolas pappas describes problem of misogyny , states:

in apology, socrates calls plead lives in court no better women (35b)... timaeus warns men if live immorally reincarnated women (42b-c; cf. 75d-e). republic contains number of comments in same spirit (387e, 395d-e, 398e, 431b-c, 469d), evidence of nothing of contempt toward women. socrates words bold new proposal marriage... suggest women held in common men. never says men might held in common women... have acknowledge socrates insistence men surpass women @ task both sexes attempt (455c, 456a), , remark in book 8 1 sign of democracy s moral failure sexual equality promotes (563b).

misogynist found in greek—misogunēs (μισογύνης)—in deipnosophistae (above) , in plutarch s parallel lives, used title of heracles in history of phocion. title of play menander, know of book 7 (concerning alexandria) of strabo s 17 volume geography, , quotations of menander clement of alexandria , stobaeus relate marriage. greek play similar name, misogunos (Μισόγυνος) or woman-hater, reported marcus tullius cicero (in latin) , attributed poet marcus atilius.

marcus tullius cicero

cicero reports greek philosophers considered misogyny caused gynophobia, fear of women.

it same other diseases; desire of glory, passion women, greeks give name of philogyneia: , other diseases , sicknesses generated. feelings contrary of these supposed have fear foundation, hatred of women, such displayed in woman-hater of atilius; or hatred of whole human species, timon reported have done, whom call misanthrope. of same kind inhospitality. , these diseases proceed dread of such things hate , avoid.

in summary, greek literature considered misogyny disease—an anti-social condition—in ran contrary perceptions of value of women wives , of family foundation of society. these points noted in secondary literature.


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