Marriage and issue Vajiralongkorn

on 3 january 1977, vajiralongkorn married princess soamsawali kitiyakara (born 1957), first cousin on mother s side. had 1 daughter, princess bajrakitiyabha, born in 1978. crown prince vajiralongkorn started living actress yuvadhida polpraserth in late-1970s , had 5 children her. although princess soamsawali had refused divorce many years, vajiralongkorn able sue divorce in family court in january 1993. in court proceedings, vajiralongkorn accused princess soamsawali of being @ fault failed relationship. not able refute charges due prohibition against lèse majesté. divorce finalized in july 1993. princess soamsawali , daughter continue play significant role in royal ceremonies.

when vajiralongkorn introduced yuvadhida polpraserth, aspiring actress. became steady companion , gave birth first son, prince juthavachara mahidol, on 29 august 1979. later had 3 more sons , daughter her. married @ palace ceremony in february 1994, blessed king , princess mother, not queen. after marriage, allowed change name mom sujarinee mahidol na ayudhaya, signifying commoner married royalty. commissioned major in royal thai army , took part in royal ceremonies vajiralongkorn. in 1996, 2 years after wedding, mom sujarinee (as known) decamped britain children, while vajiralongkorn caused posters placed around palace accusing of committing adultery anand rotsamkhan, 60-year-old air marshal. later, prince abducted daughter , brought thailand live him. later elevated rank of princess, whilst sujarinee , sons stripped of diplomatic passports , royal titles. sujarinee , sons moved united states, , of 2007, known sujarinee vivacharawongse.

vajiralongkorn married third time on 10 february 2001, srirasmi suwadee (royal name: akharaphongpreecha), commoner of modest background had been in service since 1992. marriage not disclosed public until 2005. gave birth son, prince dipangkorn rasmijoti, on 29 april 2005 , elevated rank of princess. son elevated rank of prince. in magazine interview, vajiralongkorn stated intention settle down.

in november 2014, however, vajiralongkorn sent letter interior ministry asking princess srirasmi s family stripped of royal name akharaphongpreecha awarded her, following allegations of corruption against 7 of relatives. following month, srirasmi relinquished royal titles , royal name , officially divorced vajiralongkorn. received 200 million baht (us$5.5 million) settlement. had been married 13 years.



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