Results Great Reduction (Sweden)

1 results

1.1 swedish crown
1.2 nobility
1.3 foreign dominions


it not known how swedish crown profited reductions. reductions carried out during reign of charles xi seem have resulted in 1,950,000 daler silvermynt in annual rent of 700,000 sweden , finland, core of swedish empire. dominions in eastern baltic , northern germany yielded approximately 1,150,000 daler silvermynt, of 550,000 came livonia alone.

swedish crown

financially, reduction during reign of charles xi resulted in significant increase of assets of swedish crown. high degree, contributed development of strong , meticulous organization of realm s finances , government. reduction improved situation of landowning peasant s estate, since many of recovered fiefs sold peasants during reign of charles xii. reduction claimed have saved independence of peasant estate, claim not substantiated.


the reduction had enormous effect on economy , status of nobility in sweden. since fiefs reduced might have changed owners on course of many generations, reduction resulted not in loss of fiefdoms cancellation of inheritances times past, purchases, exchanges, etc. caused general insecurity regards ownership , creditworthiness among noble families. politically reduction meant complete change in status of aristocracy. old land-owning nobility, through land ownership had asserted independence against royal power, lost power base , replaced rather dependent nobility serving state in bureaucratic capacity. differences between estates persisted, however, did privileges; among these, land still owned nobility taxed @ lower rates land owned peasantry.

the foreign dominions

the reductions had major consequences in swedish foreign dominions. affected both swedes had received fiefdoms , represented in swedish riksdag , native landowners in dominions. swedish crown demanded fiefdoms in baltic provinces had been given before swedish suzerainty. local nobles claimed swedish crown thereby ignored local laws in dominions.

especially in livonia, old feudal state in land since establishment of teutonic order had been in hands of nobility, demands had profound consequences. serfs on reduced fiefdoms transferred swedish crown, caused dissatisfaction among members of german-baltic nobility , led, in particular, nobleman johann patkul conspiring peter great of russia , augustus strong of saxony start great northern war against sweden. among peasant population population of governorates of estonia , livonia, i.e. ethnic estonians , latvians, swedish era remembered old swedish times .


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