Ascent and innovations of Shaka Impi

1 ascent , innovations of shaka

1.1 weapons , shields
1.2 logistics
1.3 age-grade regimental system
1.4 mobility, training , insignia
1.5 tactics
1.6 organisation , leadership of zulu forces
1.7 summary of shakan reforms

ascent , innovations of shaka

shaka proved himself 1 of dingiswayo s able warriors after military call of age grade serve in mthethwa forces. fought izicwe regiment wherever assigned during period, beginning, shaka s approach battle did not fit traditional mould. began implement own individual methods , style, designing famous short stabbing spear iklwa, larger, stronger shield, , discarding oxhide sandals felt slowed him down. these methods proved effective on small scale, shaka himself restrained overlord. conception of warfare far more extreme reconcilitory methods of dingiswayo. sought bring combat swift , bloody decision, opposed duels of individual champions, scattered raids, or limited skirmishes casualties comparatively light. while mentor , overlord dingiswayo lived, shakan methods reined in, removal of check gave zulu chieftain broader scope. under rule more rigorous mode of tribal warfare came being. newer, brutal focus demanded changes in weapons, organisation , tactics.

weapons , shields

zulu warrior armed iklwa stabbing spear (assegai) , iwisa club (knobkerrie). kilt of genet tails

ready war ; zulu ; zulu policemen

shaka credited introducing new variant of traditional weapon, demoting long, spindly throwing spear in favour of heavy-bladed, short-shafted stabbing spear. said have introduced larger, heavier cowhide shield (isihlangu), , trained forces close enemy in more effective hand-to-hand combat. throwing spear not discarded, standardised stabbing implement , carried missile weapon, typically discharged @ foe, before close contact. these weapons changes integrated , facilitated aggressive mobility , tactical organisation.

as weapons, zulu warrior carried iklwa stabbing spear (losing 1 result in execution) , club or cudgel fashioned dense hardwood known in zulu iwisa, called knobkerrie in english, beating enemy in manner of mace. zulu officers carried zulu axe, weapon more of symbol show rank. iklwa – named because of sucking sound made when withdrawn human body – long (c. 25 cm [9.4 in]) , broad blade invention of shaka superseded older thrown ipapa (so named because of pa-pa sound made flew through air). theoretically used both in melee , thrown weapon, warriors forbidden in shaka s day throwing it, disarm them , give opponents throw back. moreover, shaka felt discouraged warriors closing hand-to-hand combat. shaka s brother, , successor, dingane reintroduced greater use of throwing spear, perhaps counter boer firearms.

as shaka s reign small numbers of firearms, obsolete muskets , rifles, obtained zulus europeans trade. in aftermath of defeat of british @ battle of isandlwana many martini-henry rifles captured zulus considerable amounts of ammunition. advantage of capture debatable due alleged tendency of zulu warriors close eyes when firing such weapons. possession of firearms did little change zulu tactics, continued rely on swift approach enemy bring him close combat.

all warriors carried shield made of oxhide, retained hair, central stiffening shaft of wood, mgobo. shields property of king; stored in specialised structures, raised off ground protection vermin, when not issued relevant regiment. large isihlangu shield of shaka s day 5 feet in length , later partially replaced smaller umbumbuluzo, shield of identical manufacture around 3 , half feet in length. close combat relied on co-ordinated use of iklwa , shield. warrior sought edge of shield behind edge of enemy s, pull enemy s shield side opening him thrust iklwa deep abdomen or chest.


the fast-moving host, military formations, needed supplies. these provided young boys, attached force , carried rations, cooking pots, sleeping mats, weapons , other material. cattle driven on hoof movable larder. again, such arrangements in local context nothing unusual. different systematisation , organisation, pattern yielding major benefits when zulu dispatched on raiding missions.

age-grade regimental system

age-grade groupings of various sorts common in bantu tribal culture of day, , indeed still important in of africa. age grades responsible variety of activities, guarding camp, cattle herding, rituals , ceremonies. customary in zulu culture young men provide limited service local chiefs until married , recognised official householders. shaka manipulated system, transferring customary service period regional clan leaders himself, strengthening personal hegemony. such groupings on basis of age, did not constitute permanent, paid military in modern western sense, nevertheless did provide stable basis sustained armed mobilisation, more ad hoc tribal levies or war parties.

shaka organised various age grades regiments, , quartered them in special military kraals, each regiment having own distinctive names , insignia. historians argue large military establishment drain on zulu economy , necessitated continual raiding , expansion. may true since large numbers of society s men isolated normal occupations, whatever resource impact, regimental system built on existing tribal cultural elements adapted , shaped fit expansionist agenda.

after 20th birthdays, young men sorted formal ibutho (plural amabutho) or regiments. build i=handa (often referred homestead , stockaded group of huts surrounding corral cattle), gathering place when summoned active service. active service continued until man married, privilege king bestowed. amabutho recruited on basis of age rather regional or tribal origin. reason enhance centralised power of zulu king @ expense of clan , tribal leaders. swore loyalty king of zulu nation.

mobility, training , insignia

zulu warrior in full regimental regalia, carrying large isihlangu war shield. c. 1860. upper body covered in cow tails, kilt of spotted cat, genet or civet skin , shins decorated cowtails. elaborate headdress consists of browband , face-framing flaps of leopard skin band of otter skin above. there multiple ostrich feather plumes , single upright crane s feather.

shaka discarded sandals enable warriors run faster. move unpopular, objected killed, practice concentrated minds of remaining personnel. zulu tradition indicates shaka hardened feet of troops having them stamp thorny tree , bush branches flat. shaka drilled troops frequently, implementing forced marches covering more fifty miles day. drilled troops carry out encirclement tactics (see below). such mobility gave zulu significant impact in local region , beyond. upkeep of regimental system , training seems have continued after shaka s death, although zulu defeats boers, , growing encroachment british colonists, sharply curtailed raiding operations prior war of 1879. morris (1965, 1982) records 1 such mission under king mpande give green warriors of uthulwana regiment experience: raid swaziland, dubbed fund uthulwana zulu, or teach uthulwana .

impi warriors trained age six, joining army udibi porters @ first, being enrolled same-age groups (intanga). until buta d, zulu boys accompanied fathers , brothers on campaign servants. eventually, go nearest ikhanda kleza (literally, drink directly udder ), @ time boys become inkwebane, cadets. spend time training until formally enlisted king. challenge each other stick fights, had accepted on pain of dishonor.

in shaka s day, warriors wore elaborate plumes , cow tail regalia in battle, anglo-zulu war of 1879, many warriors wore loin cloth , minimal form of headdress. later period zulu soldier went battle relatively dressed, painting upper body , face chalk , red ochre, despite popular conception of elaborately panoplied warriors. each ibutho had singular arrangement of headdress , other adornments, zulu army said have had regimental uniforms; latterly full-dress worn on festive occasions. men of senior regiments wear, in addition other headdress, head-ring (isicoco) denoting married state. gradation of shield colour found, junior regiments having largely dark shields more senior ones having shields more light colouring; shaka s personal regiment fasimba (the haze) having white shields small patch of darker colour. shield uniformity facilitated custom of separating king s cattle herds based on coat colours.

certain adornments awarded individual warriors conspicuous courage in action; these included type of heavy brass arm-ring (ingxotha) , intricate necklace composed of interlocking wooden pegs (iziqu).


the buffalo horns formation of zulu army. parts 1–4 above: 1 enemy , 2 horns , 3 chest , 4 loins

the zulu typically took offensive, deploying in well-known buffalo horns formation (zulu: impondo zenkomo). comprised 3 elements:

encirclement tactics not unique in warfare, , historians note attempts surround enemy not unknown in ritualised battles. use of separate manoeuvre elements support stronger central group known in pre-mechanised tribal warfare, use of reserve echelons farther back. unique zulu degree of organisation, consistency used these tactics, , speed @ executed them. developments , refinements may have taken place after shaka s death, witnessed use of larger groupings of regiments zulu against british in 1879. missions, available manpower , enemies varied, whether facing native spear, or european bullet, impis fought in , adhered classical buffalo horns pattern.

organisation , leadership of zulu forces

regiments , corps. zulu forces grouped 3 levels: regiments, corps of several regiments, , armies or bigger formations, although zulu did not use these terms in modern sense. although size distinctions taken account of, grouping of men on mission collectively called impi, whether raiding party of 100 or horde of 10,000. numbers not uniform dependent on variety of factors, including assignments king, or manpower mustered various clan chiefs or localities. regiment might 400 or 4000 men. these grouped corps took name military kraals mustered, or dominant regiment of locality. there 4 basic ranks: herdboy assistants, warriors, indunas , higher ranked supremos particular mission.

higher command , unit leadership. leadership not complicated affair. induna guided each regiment, , in turn answered senior izinduna controlled corps grouping. overall guidance of host furnished elder izinduna many years of experience. 1 or more of these elder chiefs might accompany big force on important mission, there no single field marshal in supreme command of zulu forces. regimental izinduna, non-coms of today s army, , yesterday s roman centurions, extremely important morale , discipline. shown during battle of isandhlwana. blanketed hail of british bullets, rockets , artillery, advance of zulu faltered. echoing mountain, however, shouted cadences , fiery exhortations of regimental izinduna, reminded warriors king did not send them run away. encouraged, encircling regiments remained in place, maintaining continual pressure, until weakened british dispositions enabled host make final surge forward. (see morris ref below— washing of spears ).

summary of shakan reforms

as noted above, shaka neither originator of impi, or age grade structure, nor concept of bigger grouping small clan system. major innovations blend these traditional elements in new way, systematise approach battle, , standardise organization, methods , weapons, particularly in adoption of ilkwa – zulu thrusting spear, unique long-term regimental units, , buffalo horns formation. dingswayo s approach of loose federation of allies under hegemony, combining fight, each own contingents, under own leaders. shaka dispensed this, insisting instead on standardised organisation , weapons package swept away , replaced old clan allegiances loyalty himself. uniform approach encouraged loyalty , identification of warriors own distinctive military regiments. in time, these warriors, many conquered tribes , clans came regard 1 nation- zulu. marian reforms of rome in military sphere referenced writers similar. while other ancient powers such carthaginians maintained patchwork of force types, , legions retained such phalanx-style holdovers triarii, marius implemented 1 consistent standardised approach infantry. enabled more disciplined formations , efficient execution of tactics on time against variety of enemies. 1 military historian notes:

combined shaka s buffalo horns attack formation surrounding , annihilating enemy forces, zulu combination of iklwa , shield—similar roman legionaries use of gladius , scutum—was devastating. time of shaka s assassination in 1828, had made zulu kingdom greatest power in southern africa , force reckoned with, against britain s modern army in 1879.

^ cite error: named reference morris, 32-67 invoked never defined (see page).
^ morris, washing of spears, p. 51.
^ guttman, jon. military history, jun2008, vol. 24 issue 4, p. 23-23.


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