Biography Charles Kimberlin Brain

although brain retired in 1996, active curator emeritus @ transvaal museum, honorary professor of zoology @ university of witswatersrand, active research associate @ bernard price institute palaeontological research, , chief scientific advisor palaeo-anthropology scientific trust (past). active researcher of fossils of earliest animals , co-ordinating renewed excavation initiative @ swartkrans cave. consulting editor annals of eastern cape museums.

in 2006 lifetime achiever tribute brain, national research foundation of south africa said:

dr brain involved , supervised 30-year-long excavation of swartkrans cave in sterkfontein valley (now cradle of humankind). cave first demonstrate coexistence of robust ape men humans , produced more remains of robust ape men (paranthropus) other site in world.

his objective obtain large , meticulously documented sample of fossils , cultural objects complex stratigraphic units in cave , taphonomic interpretations on these, throwing light on how animals (including hominids) lived , died. excavation produced sample of 240,000 fossils diverse fauna. these emphasise importance of predation evolution of human intelligence , provided evidence earliest controlled use of fire humans 1 million years ago.

for ten years dr brain has been looking evidence of oldest known predators among fossils of invertebrates 700 million year old limestones in namibia. finds show how predatory process started in animal lineages.

brain has been invited participant @ on thirty international conferences , symposia worldwide. , wife have 4 children.


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