Election results Durgapur Purba (Vidhan Sabha constituency)
1 election results
1.1 durgapur purba constituency 2016
1.2 durgapur purba constituency 2011
1.3 durgapur ii constituency 1977-2006
1.4 durgapur constituency 1967-1972
1.5 faridpur constituency 1967-1972
1.6 ondal constituency 1957
election results
durgapur purba constituency 2016
.# swing calculated on congress+trinamool congress vote percentages in 2011 taken together, cpi(m) vote durgapur ii constituency.
durgapur purba constituency 2011
.# swing calculated on congress+trinamool congress vote percentages in 2006 taken together, cpi(m) vote durgapur ii constituency.
note: new constituencies – 4, constituencies abolished – 5 (see template talk page details)
durgapur ii constituency 1977-2006
in 2006 assembly elections, biprendu kumar chakraborty of cpi (m) won durgapur ii seat defeating nearest rival apurba mukherjee of trinamool congress. contests in years multi cornered winners , runners being mentioned. apurba mukherjee won seat in 2001 defeating debabrata banerjee of cpi (m). in 1996, debabrata banerjee had won seat defeating malay kanti dutta of congress. in 1991, tarun chatterjee of cpi (m) had won seat defeating asit chattaraj of congress. tarun chatterjee won in 1987 defeating narayan hazara chowdhury of congress. in 1982, tarun chaterjee defeated baren roy of congress. tarun chatterjee defeated ajit banerjee of congress in 1977.
durgapur constituency 1967-1972
ananda gopal mukherjee of congress won durgapur seat in 1972. dilip mazumdar of cpi (m) won seat in 1971, 1969 , 1967. ananda gopal mukherjee of inc won seat in 1962.
faridpur constituency 1967-1972
ajit kumar bandopadhyay of congress won faridpur seat in 1972. sanat kumar banerjee of cpi(m) won in 1971. manoranjan bakshi of bangla congress won in 1969 , 1967.
ondal constituency 1957
dhawajadhari mondal , ananda gopal mukherjee, both of congress, jointly won ondal seat in 1957.
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