Overview Chargeback fraud

1 overview

1.1 physical products
1.2 digital transactions
1.3 call center transactions
1.4 cost merchants

physical products

an online merchant sells physical products cannot protect themself. way have concrete protection take imprint of card (and card readers/makers can duped), along photo id. signature, in addition information gathered online, can in resolution of chargeback disputes contractually no guarantee. also, merchant can request card security code on credit card fight card absent environment chargebacks. these 3 digit codes on backs of visa, mastercard, , discover cards, , 4 digit code on front of american express cards.

digital transactions

friendly fraud thrives in digital products market easier fraudsters succeed. common targets include pornography , gambling websites. attempts merchant prove consumer received purchased goods or services difficult. again, use of card security codes can show cardholder (or, in case of three-digit security codes written on backs of u.s credit cards, physical possession of card or @ least knowledge of number , code) present, entry of security code @ purchase not prove delivery made, online or via-telephone purchases shipping occurs after finalization of contract. proof of delivery difficult, , when cannot provided, cardholder gets product without paying it.

one method of combating friendly fraud create feature in product checks in merchant s database. if chargeback issued, merchant can tell product suspend service. tactic work digital subscription services or other online product requires updates or logins. merchant still charged fee incurring chargeback, not complete solution.

call center transactions

another common channel chargebacks mail order/telephone order (moto) payment processing through call center. in case, 2 others listed here, main problem card not present transaction. eliminate call center purchase chargebacks, call centers working make purchases more card present purchases.

when consumers walk store , buy something, typically swipe credit cards, confirm purchase amount, enter secret code (or sign name) , leave merchandise. card present purchase , fraudulent chargebacks in these situations non-existent.

agent-assisted automation technology available call centers allows customers enter credit card information, including card security code directly customer relationship management software without agent ever seeing or hearing it. agent remains on phone, there no awkward transfer interactive voice response system. agent can hear monotones. card present equivalent of swiping card.

before purchase submitted agent, purchase amount played consumer along last 4 digits of card. consumer asked confirm purchase providing verbal signature, recorded.

finally, email sent consumer purchase information , attached audio file of verbal signature.

cost merchants

a 2016 study lexisnexis stated chargeback fraud costs merchants $2.40 every $1 lost. because of product-loss, banking fines, penalties , administrative costs.


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