Panchronic Phonology.2C Functional Phonology.2C Historical Phonology.2C and Evolutionary Phonology Panchronic phonology

1 panchronic phonology, functional phonology, historical phonology, , evolutionary phonology

1.1 panchronic phonology , functional phonology
1.2 panchronic phonology , other classical approaches historical phonology
1.3 panchronic phonology , evolutionary phonology

panchronic phonology, functional phonology, historical phonology, , evolutionary phonology
panchronic phonology , functional phonology

the panchronic program in phonology development structural approaches diachrony. structural approaches diachrony study way in phonological systems respond causes of change. major source of change constant competition between tendency towards phonological integration , tendency towards phonetic simplicity. phonological economy tends fill structural gaps in phonological systems, , phonetic economy tends create phonological gaps. out of pool of potential changes, actual direction of evolution observed in given language depends in part on state of phonological system, e.g. – again taking nasality example – nasal phonemes possesses (among consonants , vowels), phonotactic constraints subject to, , functional load have in system.

martinet expressed skeptical view on possibility of establishing panchronic laws of evolution, considering factors @ play in linguistic change of such complexity no amount of detail can ever sufficient arrive @ panchronic generalizations. nonetheless considers search panchronic generalizations useful research tool: contrary other functionalists, not tempted posit panchronic laws of phonological evolution. looking general laws may lead call positing of useful hypotheses. martinet takes example of following generalization, rephrases haudricourt s findings: articulation of phoneme apt weaker when , if stands in opposition phoneme sharing same features, distinct on account of more energetic or more complex articulation. martinet concludes: still prefer calling working hypothesis rather panchronic law, because convinced shall 1 day come across language weakening of consonants found result unforeseen complex of factors. (ibid.)

panchronic phonology , other classical approaches historical phonology

while term panchronic not used today, aim formulate generalizations sound change independent of particular language or language group common many historical linguists. labov s generalization in chain shifts, peripheral vowels become more open , nonperipheral vowels become less open (1994: 601) can considered panchronic statement. several of generalizations nasal states , nasal processes proposed hyman likewise aim explain synchronic states in terms of processes lead them, , arrive @ general laws of sound change.

panchronic phonology , evolutionary phonology

the program of panchronic phonology close of evolutionary phonology, although interesting differences. evolutionary phonology (as proposed juliette blevins), building on work john ohala, considers phonetic variation primary source of phonological change. emphasis on phonetic bases of change encourages continuous dialogue between experimental phonetics , historical phonology. if every scholars agree there exist competing phonetic tendencies, according labov (1994: 601) not have explanatory or predictive power when comes individual cases. in panchronic phonology, not sound changes straightforwardly related phonetic tendencies, , hypothesized universals of language change based on phonetic properties considered seldom stand close scrutiny. according authors, existence of pool of phonetic variation part of thoroughly complex story of diachronic sound change.


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