The second challenge of Europe: African impi versus the British Empire Impi

1 second challenge of europe: african impi versus british empire

1.1 command , control
1.2 handling of reserve forces
1.3 use of modern arms
1.4 tough challenge

the second challenge of europe: african impi versus british empire

the zulu deployment @ isandhlwana shows well-organized tactical system of impi. left horn worked chest pin british down, drawing bulk of fire. right horn meanwhile circled around mountain attack english rear. reserves struck deeper, cutting off , pursuing fugitives, , attacking rorke s drift.

nearly 35,000 strong, motivated , supremely confident, zulu formidable force on own home ground, despite total lack of modern weaponry. greatest assets morale, unit leadership, mobility , numbers. tactically zulu acquitted in @ least 3 encounters, isandhlwana, hlobane , smaller intombi action. stealthy approach march, camouflage , noise discipline @ isandhlwana, while not perfect, put them within excellent striking distance of opponents, able exploit weaknesses in camp layout. @ hlobane caught british column on move rather in usual fortified position, partially cutting off retreat , forcing withdraw.

strategically (and perhaps understandably in own traditional tribal context) lacked clear vision of fighting challenging war, aside smashing 3 british columns weight , speed of regiments. despite isandhlwana victory, tactically there major problems well. rigidly , predictably applied three-pronged buffalo horns attack, paradoxically greatest strength, greatest weakness when facing concentrated firepower. zulu failed make use of superior mobility attacking british rear area such natal or in interdicting vulnerable british supply lines. however, important consideration, king cetshwayo appreciated, there clear difference between defending 1 s territory, , encroaching on another, regardless of fact @ war holder of land. king realised peace impossible if real invasion of natal launched, , provoke more concerted effort on part of british against them. attack on rorke s drift, in natal, opportunist raid, opposed real invasion. when did, achieved success, such liquidation of supply detachment @ intombi river. more expansive mobile strategy might have cut british communications , brought lumbering advance halt, bottling redcoats in scattered strongpoints while impis ran rampant between them. such scenario developed no. 1 british column, penned static , immobile in garrison on 2 months @ eshowe.

the zulu allowed opponents time set fortified strongpoints, assaulting defended camps , positions painful losses. policy of attacking redcoats while strung out on move, or crossing difficult obstacles rivers, might have yielded more satisfactory results. example, 4 miles past ineyzane river, after british had comfortably crossed, , after had spent day consolidating advance, zulu launched typical buffalo horn encirclement attack seen off withering fire not breech-loading martini-henry rifles, 7-pounder artillery , gatling guns. in fairness, zulu commanders not conjure regiments out of thin air @ optimum time , place. needed time marshal, supply , position forces, , sort out final assignments three-prongs of attack. still, battle of hlobane mountain offers glimpse of alternative mobile scenario, manoeuvering zulu horns cut off , drove buller s column when dangerously strung out on mountain.

command , control

command , control of impis problematic @ times. indeed, zulu attacks on british strongpoints @ rorke s drift , @ kambula, (both bloody defeats) seemed have been carried out over-enthusiastic leaders , warriors despite contrary orders of zulu king, cetshwayo. popular film re-enactments display grizzled izinduna directing host promontory elegant sweeps of hand. might have happened during initial marshaling of forces jump off point, or deployment of reserves, once great encircling sweep of frenzied warriors in horns , chest in motion, izinduna not exercise detailed control.

handling of reserve forces

although loins or reserves on hand theoretically correct or adjust unfavorable situation, shattered attack make reserves irrelevant. against boers @ blood river, massed gunfire broke of zulu assault, , boers later able mount cavalry sweep in counterattack became turkey shoot against fleeing zulu remnants. perhaps zulu threw forward , had little left. in similar manner, after exhausting against british firepower @ kambula , ulindi, few of zulu reserves available constructive, although tribal warriors still remained dangerous @ guerrilla level when scattered. @ isandhlwana however, classical zulu system struck gold, , after liquidating british position, relatively fresh reserve force swept down on rorke s drift.

use of modern arms

the zulu had greater numbers opponents, greater numbers massed in compact arrays presented easy targets in age of modern firearms , artillery. african tribes fought in smaller guerrilla detachments typically held out against european invaders longer time, witnessed 7-year resistance of lobi against french in west africa, or operations of berbers in algeria against french.

when zulu did acquire firearms, notably captured stocks after great victory @ isandhlwana, lacked training , used them ineffectively, consistently firing high give bullets strength. southern africa, including areas near natal, teeming bands griquas had learned use guns. indeed, 1 such group not mastered way of gun, became proficient horsemen well, skills helped build basotho tribe, in nation of lesotho. in addition, numerous european renegades or adventurers (both boer , non-boer) skilled in firearms known zulu. had led detachments zulu kings on military missions.

the zulu had clear scope , opportunity master , adapt new weaponry. had experienced defeat against boers, concentrated firearms. had had @ least 4 decades adjust tactics new threat. well-drilled corps of gunmen or grenadiers, or battery of artillery operated european mercenaries example, might have provided needed covering fire regiments manoeuvred position.

no such adjustments on hand when faced redcoats. immensely proud of system, , failing learn earlier defeats, persisted in human wave attacks against defended european positions massed firepower devastated ranks. ministrations of isangoma (plural: izangoma) zulu diviner or witch doctor , , bravery of individual regiments of little use against volleys of modern rifles, gatling guns , artillery @ ineyzane river, rorke s drift, kambula, gingingdlovu , ulindi.

a tough challenge

undoubtedly, cetshwayo , war leaders faced tough , extremely daunting task – overcoming challenge of concentrated rifled, gatling gun, , artillery fire on battlefield. 1 taxed european military leaders, carnage of american civil war , later boer war attests. nevertheless, shaka s successors argue within context of experience , knowledge, had done best could, following classical template, had advanced zulu small, obscure tribe respectable regional power known fierce warriors.


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