Austro-Prussian and Franco-Prussian Wars Ernest II, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha

ernest, brother, in favor of german unified, federal state. best realize goal, ernest liked dabble in whatever political system promised success. subsequently watched growth of liberalism in germany interest , tried build links movement s leaders. during albert s lifetime, ernest took close interest in movement reform, , perceived progressive within germany. favorable view of liberalism caused duchy become asylum political refugees other german states. in 1863, attended liberal frankfurt conference, openly avoided more conservative prussia. though attendance made him no friends in prussia, developed such strong contacts in austria many looked him potential leader in mounting conflict between northern , southern powers. grew tired of advice received albert on subject however; ernest no means inclined consent energetic rule such adopted afterwards perfection of constitutional system , according albert s letters.

the austro-prussian war triggered desire of german conservative leaders unify, albeit on different terms liberal counterparts. ernest urged prussian leaders against impending war, , active advocate of austrian cause. though ernest followed more liberal politics many of counterparts, began switching views align more closely prussian minister president otto von bismarck mid-1860s. despite change in private political views, still had strong publicly known austrian ties, , no 1 foresaw ernest side better-equipped prussians upon breakout of war. reasoning understood acting in best interests of duchies, , extension, of himself. regardless, seen betrayal of former friends; queen victoria commented ernest might have agreed neutrality - might necessary, change colours cannot think right .

ernest fortunate in support of victorious prussia; many other petty german dukes, princes, , kings had supported austria suffered immensely @ hohenzollern hands. hanover, hesse-kassel, , nassau instance annexed prussia @ expense of respective rulers. though had changed political views, ernest allowed ride @ head of battalion during victory parade. eldest niece prussian crown princess victoria ( vicky ) 1 pleased prussian support , commented not accustomed hearing praise of coburg here. [ernest] not among crushed , beaten foe, sad enough see many of 1 s friends suffering effects of miscalculations . victoria s husband crown prince frederick pleased ernest s decision, writing in journal 28 september 1871, duke s society affords me peculiar pleasure, especially...when heart beats warmly germany .

ernest s support of prussians in austro-prussian war , later franco prussian war meant no longer potential leader of political movement; although true had been able retain duchies, had come @ price. according historian charlotte zeepvat, ernest increasingly lost in whirl of private amusements earned contempt outside . ernest funneled political thoughts private sphere, preferring write covertly sponsored articles in coburg press became increasingly embittered against england. in 1886, ernest published co-regents , foreign influence in germany, pamphlet angered family; though produced anonymously, no 1 doubted written ernest. attacked vicky disloyal german dependent on mother, , declared had been indiscreet in passing along confidential information during both war , peacetime. queen victoria furious, writing vicky, told me of uncle e , pamphlet monstrous. assure felt great difficulty in writing him birthday, wrote short , cool consistently civility . dear uncle ernest great deal of harm odd ways , uncontrollable tongue lively imagination .


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