Development Antonov An-124 Ruslan

polet airlines an-124 cockpit

the an-124 manufactured in parallel 2 plants: russian company aviastar-sp (ex. ulyanovsk aviation industrial complex) , kyiv aviation plant aviant, in ukraine. design work started in 1971 , construction of facilities began in 1973. manufacturing on first airframe began in 1979. project brought on 100 factories contracted produce systems , parts.

the first flight took place in december 1982 , first exposure west followed in 1985 @ paris air show.

russia , ukraine agreed resume production in third quarter of 2008. in may 2008, new variant—the an-124-150—was announced; featured several improvements, including maximum lift capacity of 150 tonnes. however, in may 2009, antonov s partner, russian united aircraft corporation announced did not plan production of an-124s in period 2009–2012. in late 2009, russian president dmitry medvedev ordered production of aircraft resumed. expected russia purchase 20 new aircraft. in august 2014, jane s reported that, russian deputy minister of industry , trade yuri slusar announced antonov an-124 production stopped due ongoing political tensions between russia , ukraine.

as of late 2017, an-124s being upgraded aviastar-sp plant in ulyanovsk, russia, 3 upgraded planes due ready 2018.


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