History Ferrol, Galicia
the centre of ferrol
art nouveau building in ferrol, designed rodolfo ucha
the existence of prehistoric human settlements in galician city backed abundance of burial chambers, megalithic monuments petroglyphs , other archaeological findings. phoenicians established in area different dried , salted cod stations , presence presence of ancient greeks documented historians herodotus amongst others. in roman times, in 1st century bc, fishing port existed in bay of ferrol. after fall of western roman empire whole iberian peninsula, including ferrol, raided vandals , incorporated in 411 suebic kingdom of galicia; kingdom incorporated in 584 leovigild visigothic kingdom.
the castle of san felipe @ entrance of harbour
ferrol served strategic safe port during hundred years war, sided house of trastamara during castilian civil war , personal reward fernan perez de andrade, in 1371, henry ii gave town powerful andrade family.
in 1568 fire reduced rubble old medieval town; in same period parts of existing fortifications @ entrance of estuary built. naval base, @ time town considered more important royal arsenal safe harbour.
with arrival of bourbons in 18th century, ferrol became leading naval centre. ferrol made capital of maritime department of north, formed under ferdinand vi , charles iii defence of spanish colonial empire in america. rapid improvements followed, notably under leadership of marquis of ensenada, , position of ferrol made unassailable sea, difficulties of disembarking troops on precipitous coast being strengthened renewed line of fortresses , newly built castles, including of san carlos.
the royal dockyards of graña , ferrol, built between 1726–1783, produced ships protected copper sheets rolling mills of xubia. in 1772, spanish royal academy of naval engineers of ferrol, first such academy in spain, created.
ferrol virtually impossible blockade in age of sail, strong westerly winds take blockading force away along treacherous north coast of spain had no safe haven. geography of ferrol meant entire spanish fleet slip out on single tide. time british able resume blockade, spanish safely away , out sea. despite these advantages, decline set during reign of charles iv, , in 1800, during ferrol expedition (1800), after defences had been reduced, british fleet of 109 vessels landed troops on beach of doniños take castle of san felipe. although equipped meagre artillery, castle s small defence force under command of count donadio sizable number of volunteer citizens of ferrol, resisted attack , fleet withdrew. alliance united kingdom during peninsular war of 1808–14 failed prevent deterioration in town’s fortunes. arsenals , fortresses abandoned , occupied french in 1809.
aerial view of city (2009)
ferrol built 2 vessels between 1794 , 1845. , silent half century lost title of capital under ferdinand vii. however, there massive renovation during cardinal alberoni s leadership , in few years fourteen great line-of -battle-ships launched. new activities sprang , ferrol employing 2,000 workmen on foundries, in full operation. school of naval engineers established 40 pupils learning scientific principles of profession, under competent staff of instructors bred in england , france. successful in bringing worlds advanced technologies administration of marquis de molina, spanish minister naval affairs, 1858 royal dockyards of ferrol launching spain s first steam propelled ship the first iron-hulled too.
the second half of 19th century brought royal dockyards of ferrol not plenty of work social , political tensions ended in failed republican uprising of 1872.
during period, same nowadays, , in days of armada, bay of ferrol attracts numerous ships seeking repairs or refuge after meeting desaster or rough waters trying cross bay of biscay on bad weather. such case of cleopatra, carrying 1 of 2 cleopatra needles, 1 standing today on thames embankment in london, uk. arrived in ferrol on 19 october 1877 after tragedy , sinking off west coast of france 5 days earlier. there plaque commemorating event , died seen @ base of needle in london.
for period of sixteen years, technicians exclusively british, , situation not altered till 1925 when management taken on spanish engineers, 1 of new policies introduced newly created government, including ministers both civil , military, of dictator miguel primo de rivera (1923–1930). arrival of british coincided construction of local electric-powered trolley streetcar s line (1924–1961).
in sight of outbreak of spanish civil war, , because there fear of social unrest in naval station, foreign office in london, organized ship repatriate remaining british citizens , on 22 july 1936 hms witch (d89) departed ferrol britain. @ outbreak of spanish civil war (1936–1939) shipbuilding yards, workshops, foundries , dry docks in ferrol taken on state , nationalized in 1945 under name bazán , later renamed izar , and, starting january 2005, navantia. town birthplace of francisco franco, after whom city officially known el ferrol del caudillo 1938 1982. end of spanish state , arrival of democracy in 1978 did not ferrol, , 1982 1990s, city confronted numerous problems due decline in naval sector. beginning of new millennium has been time of economic expansion , prosperity in general. new motorway , outer-port have been built numerous arcades , shopping centres in outskirts of city between ferrol , naron same metropolitan area , young shoppers families tend make big family shopping weekend day out family attracted amenities bowling, cafeterias, fast food outlets, cinemas , sports facilities.
ferrol hosted large nato maritime exercise loyal mariner (rn) in june 2008. , in september 2017 new railway track connecting existing outer-port canelinas , ferrol has been approved.
ferrol has new high speed train ave connection madrid via lugo 2013
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