Other schools List of Ikki Tousen characters
1 other schools
1.1 yoshu academy
1.2 rakuyo high school
1.3 gogun high school
1.4 yoshu private school
other schools
yoshu academy
yoshu academy (揚州学園, yōshū gakuen) high school led seirei ryuyo. named after yangzhou.
shigi taishiji (太史慈 子義, taishiji shigi)
voiced by: kenta miyake (japanese); patrick seitz (english)
a skilled , honorable fighter of african descent, sporting dreadlocks , dressing in hip-hop fashion. refused kill hakufu despite being ordered so, , later tried stop other assassins finishing job, stabbed in consequence, putting him in coma , paralyzing him waist down. however, seems recovering injuries. used 1 of ukitsu s sparring partners, , said ukitsu held when sparring shigi because liked him, though still injuring him in these fights (omitted in anime). while shiji kept in hospital, girl nanyo visited him , sat side. turns out girl transferring chi shigi him recover injuries. wakes coma in time join battle of red cliffs, rescuing several injured nanyo/seito fighters , defeating kannei, possessed ryofu s bloodlust. in anime, not recover coma , presumed dead.
seirei ryuuyou (劉繇 正礼, ryūyō seirei)
voiced by: ryuzo hasuike (japanese); lance j. holt (english)
yoshu s leader.
hannou (樊能, hannō)
voiced by: takayuki hujimoto (japanese); jason c. miller (english)
the first fighter hakufu fights ever. reappears in kanto battle fighting yoshu. not real fighter, told shigi when hannou grabbed metal object fight hakufu with.
rakuyo high school
rakuyo high school (洛陽高校, rakuyō-kōkō) high school named after luoyang, prefecture-level city in western henan province of china , former capital of china during 3 kingdoms period. rakuyo first of schools fall following toutaku s death.
chuuei toutaku (董卓 仲穎, tōtaku chūei)
voiced by: daisuke namikawa (japanese); sam riegel (english)
the leader of rakuyo high who, until death, held of other schools in vise grip, possessing both manpower , gyokuji hyakuhekitō. in addition, possesses dragon of hao abilities, yet not 1 of them. masochist, seen through self-mutilation. exceptionally powerful , arrogant, attempted kill off hakufu in order change destiny. ends killing choshou, , brought near-death state ryofu directly after fight choshou. partially changes fate committing suicide instead of letting ryofu kill him. though end results still same, @ least died self-satisfaction. 3 years before start of manga, devised plan led ryubi s dragon awakening first time.
in anime, has more refined mannerism sinister nature, , far more skilled well; demonstrated power split watermelon , table chi perfect pieces tap fingers, , poisoned hakufu chi. able possess , take control of body. seems dislike watermelons, supposedly because opening them reminds him of inside of human s head. body destroyed ryofu, uses double suicide chi blast, @ point transmigrates hakufu, eaten dragon later on. seems though had change of heart on brink of death, revealing hakufu truth saji being mastermind behind this, , genpou saji not real identity. uses bit of remaining strength after being destroyed ryofu s double suicide remove fa jing curse had lain upon her.
housen ryofu (呂布 奉先, ryofu hōsen)
voiced by: akeno watanabe (japanese); zarah little (english)
a strong fighter bluish-green hair styled in bunches, ryofu has had sexual relations guys , girls, notably saji , chinkyuu. in manga, has love-hate relationship saji, claims once raped (saji half-denies this, claiming not raped because enjoyed it). afflicted terminal illness kill before adulthood, manipulated saji attacking toutaku. when found out chinkyuu raped, went in search of revenge last living act. found kakouen, , 2 fought each other. kakouen s skill added ryofu s failing health enough ryofu defeated. saved kakouen s killing blow chinkyuu. realizing moments away dying, ryofu , chinkyuu committed double suicide, dying happily predecessors did 1800 years before.
in anime adaptation, ryofu capable fighter, more promiscuous manga counterpart, shown when molests ryomou. sleeps multiple guys , chinkyuu on girls side. avenges chinkyuu s death trying fight hakufu @ toutaku s place, ending committing murder suicide toutaku point-blank chi blast. in dragon destiny, death recalled differently tackles toutaku off cliff. @ beginning of great guardians, , kan u fight until struck lightning. supposedly dead, however, reappears ryomou without memory of past. went rakuyo in search of clues regarding past, there being abducted ouin , brainwashed real genpou saji, gaining more cheerful visibily false persona. there on, played ouin fill ryomou jealousy until saji herself discovered, when turned frenzied berserk mean of halting hakufu , companions. last episodes reveal that, in fact, ryofu living dead, spirit partially resurrected saji that, after regaining senses, fades again world, bidding farewell ryomou. still, 1 last line can heard when saji praying @ tomb ( thank ).
koudai chinkyuu (陳宮 公台, chinkyū kōdai)
voiced by: hiroe oka (japanese); stephanie sheh (english)
ryofu s childhood friend , lesbian lover, , c-rank fighter great potential. while ryofu battling totaku, chinkyuu knocked out kaku prevent interfering. kaku got revenge when caught chinkyuu stealing gyokuji , got chizen rikaku rape her. when chinkyuu recovered injuries, saves ryofu being killed myosai. however, realizes ryofu moments away dying due illness. since loyal , in love ryofu, chinkyuu decides stay friend s side , commits suicide instead of surrendering sousou. in anime, dies in hospital injuries inflicted when raped. tried steal gyokuji on own accord, rather being ordered ryofu, , wanted present ryofu gift before died.
bunwa kaku (賈詡 文和, kaku bunwa)
voiced by: haruhi nanao (season 1), shiho kawaragi (season 2–onwards) (japanese); hunter mackenzie austin (season 1, 4), lisa ortiz (season 2) (english)
a bespectacled, long raven-haired beauty once totaku s second-in-command. intelligent, seductive, , manipulative, power lay in manipulating others doing dirty work otherwise average fighter. helped set events led ryubi s dragon being awakened 3 years before start of series, , offered enjutsu respect should have had nanyo s leader @ time. knowing teifu s feelings ryomou, kaku disguised herself ryomou , faked video in raped enjutsu s henchmen. teifu fell , forced attacking seito , ryubi in order protect ryomou. in reality, entire plan devised totaku in order see how powerful ryubi s dragon was. after totaku s death, kaku switches sides , joins sousou @ kyosho academy, accepted open arms. became (or has been) kakuka s lover, plotting take advantage of sousou s power. genuinely in love him until taken out of action. however, gets sexual relationship whomever plots (totaku, kakuka , junyu). aware of koukin s crush on hakufu (although possible in series knows it), , teased him taking off underwear in front of him before 3 other kyosho girls seduced him in attempt make him defect nanyo. suspected koukin s plan of bodily harm, failed plan accordingly.
kaku s anime counterpart portrayed more submissive manga counterpart, more trusting , trustworthy. less seductive , not act calculating or cunning. towards end of first season, switches rakuyo academy kyosho academy. in fact, seems caring towards sousou , friends, leading them trust more, or @ least less suspicious of her. strategist chuutatsu shibai continues gain power within kyosho academy, kaku gradually finds herself being kept out of loop. during time, of more ruthless low-level kyosho fighters begin openly mock her. hearing dragon jade, feels needed in order in sousou s graces. after informing kakouen kakuka s murder, kaku orders assassin recover artifact. have been working own needs after told sousou no longer necessary plans. kyosho officer not invited battle of red cliffs. not appear again rest of series until end, meets amnesiac kakouton.
her henchmen in rakuyou include chizen rikaku (李傕 稚然), kayuu (華雄) , kousei (侯成), japanese equivalents of li jue, hua xiong , hou cheng respectively. kousei betrayed ryofu , attacked group in chinkyuu s hospital based on hou cheng (with 2 other generals) betrayed lü bu cao cao.
gogun high school
gogun high school (吳郡高校, gogun-kōkō) high school named after wu commandery (吳郡, modern suzhou, jiangsu), led ukitsu.
ukitsu (于吉)
voiced by: yumiko kobayashi (japanese); amy treadwell (season 1), hilary thomas (season 2) (english)
a dark-skinned girl , leader of gogun high destined magmatama kill hakufu, predecessor did 1800 years ago. wears extremely heavy body weights on wrists , ankles, , amazing fighter has mastered every type of martial arts in existence, using them instinctively , masterfully no chi whatsoever. tomboyish, tends use boku (the male equivalent of ) when referring herself. nicknamed genius ukitsu because of talents , knowledge of martial arts. since not use chi fight, hakufu had major disadvantage against her; unable predict ukitsu s moves reading chi. ukitsu s views on fighting similar of hakufu. loves fight , motivated taking on stronger opponents (which happened before facing hakufu). hakufu s dragon state overpowered ukitsu , killed until unexpectedly saved koukin. ukitsu became depressed while recovering fight , has kept low profile lately. had vision of hakufu s dragon flying through skies towards nanyo, should inspire return action.
ukitsu plays more important role in anime adaptation. first appears saving hakufu 2 perverted men in karaoke bar (hakufu oblivious intentions), , continually seen watching on hakufu, master chokou intends hakufu harness dragon. ukitsu willingly follows chokou s orders , challenges hakufu fight several times, each time hakufu passes out other reason. fight @ end where, unlike manga, hakufu manages tame dragon before can injure ukitsu. 2 become friends , agree fight again, time friends , not fighters, , seal bond removing magatama.
ukitsu appears in dragon destiny, time trying revive hakufu, revealed friends hakugen. according chokou, ukitsu person able revive hakufu because destiny kill her. since ukitsu 1 s fate kill hakufu, theoretically can save her. chokou mentioned defeat @ hands of hakufu in past affected greatly, event interpreted differently in first season. possible first season s ending not considered canon. explain why ukitsu , school never helped hakufu , nanyo in war despite fact 2 schools formed alliance @ end of first season. ukitsu successful in reawakening hakufu died shortly afterwards, sacrificing life save hakufu s. buried near waterfall trained.
kyokou (許貢, kyokō)
a fighter sent ukitsu fight hakufu. uses muramasa, sword of calamity, weapon. defeated hakufu after arms , legs strained.
goton (呉沌)
a b-ranked fighter sent receive hakufu @ gate. defeated her.
chokei (趙景, chōkei)
the vice president of gogun academy s student council. meets hakufu @ entrance of gogun , tells pull back, defeated in similar fashion hikei was.
hikei (費敬)
a b-ranked fighter bears close resemblance bruce lee. fights hakufu when goes find ukitsu first time, defeated along chokei.
yoshu private school
yoshu private school (豫州學院, yōshū gakuin) school named after yuzhou city, city located in central henan privince in china.
honsho enshou (袁紹 本初, enshō honsho)
a student @ yoshu private school. not make full appearance in manga, sent koshaji kill sousou , kakouton. in anime adaptation, after koshaji died, yoshu attacked 3 pillared gods of kyosho led kaku. after deaths of ganryo , bunshu, honsho surrenders sousou, killed when sousou orders kaku kill avenge kakouton s lost eye.
koshaji (胡車兒)
voiced by: hitomi nabatame (japanese); eileen stevens (english)
an assassin sent kill sousou while injured gang battle. blinded kakouton s left eye hidden needle attack, caused sousou unleash dragon , kill koshaji revenge, although not see him kill her. in anime, after sousou defeats koshaji, grabs head , smashes face-first wall, killing instantly.
ganryo (顔良, ganryō)
voiced by: jiro saito (season 1), junya miura (season 2) (japanese); uncredited (seasons 1-2), liam o brien (season 4) (english)
an aggressive fighter attacks kouran, schoolmate, chance fight school. defeated ryomou.
bunshu (文醜, bunshū)
voiced by: naoki kinoshita (season 2)
a powerful fighter battled teifu. killed him until ryomou attacked him protect teifu.
kouran (高覽, kōran)
the advance guard of yoshu academy. arranged fighter of yoshu in battle against nanyo, ganryo beats fight in place.
denpo (田豊, denpō)
the strategist of yoshu. arranges kouran fight nanyo because thinks there no fair fight using 5 a-ranked fighters fight 2 b-ranks.
^ cite error: named reference funi cast gg invoked never defined (see page).
^ ikki tousen episode 12
^ ikki tousen: great guardians, episode 1
^ ikki tousen: great guardians episode 3
^ ikki tousen season 1 episode 11
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