The Asura gods List of Legend of Heavenly Sphere Shurato characters

1 asura gods

1.1 shiva, god of destruction
1.2 kundalini, gundari wisdom king
1.3 trailoh, trailokyavijaya wisdom queen
1.4 acalanātha, acala wisdom king
1.5 hailah, earth emperor
1.6 antera, sun emperor
1.7 santera, moon empress
1.8 kubilah, fire emperor

the asura gods

the asura gods powerful warriors tried conquer tenkūkai in distant past, led shiva, god of destruction. ten thousand years before events in 20th century, battled hachibushu in 1 of previous incarnations, in war of cataclysmic proportions , sealed after defeat lady vishnu. seal removed indra, sends 3 of prominent warriors kill hachibushu, whom introduce beast fang trio.

shiva, god of destruction

hakai-shin shiva (破壊神シヴァ)

voiced by:norio wakamoto

shiva, god of destruction lady vishnu s greatest enemy. , army defeated , sealed vishnu , warriors 10,000 years ago. responsible yasha-ō s reincarnation evil being.

kundalini, gundari wisdom king

gundari myō-ō kuṇḍalinī (軍荼利明王クンダリーニ, gundari myō-ō kundarīni)

voiced by : shinya Ōtaki

gundari myō-ō kundalini member of beast fang trio wears cobra-shaped shakti, summoned , freed of seal restrained them millennia, indra. endowed fearsome power , unlimited sohma. engages hachibushu in battle , defeats them effortlessly. shurato , companions manage defeat kuṇḍalinī after sohma potential increased sacrifice of lakshu. techniques:

gundari s red-hot breaker (軍荼利灼熱破, gundari shakunetsu-ha)

trailoh, trailokyavijaya wisdom queen

gōzanze myō-ō trailō (降三世明王トライロー, gōzanze myō-ō torairō)

voiced by : mika doi

gōzanze myō-ō trailoh female member of beast fang trio, wears wyvern-shaped shakti. sets out kill shura-ō shurato after ignominious defeat of kuṇḍalinī. using form of mist, overpowers shurato easily, although manages escape mist , turn battle favor. trailō erases shurato s memories of tenkūkai , friends , sends him earthly plane of existence, moment of match against gai. against odds, shurato recovers memories of tenkūkai , condition 1 of hachibushu, , discovers way back. engages trailo in battle once again , kills save reiga , lakshu s lives.


serpentine hairs lightning shots (蛇髪雷光弾, jyahatsu raikō-dan)

acalanātha, acala wisdom king

fudō myō-ō Ācalanātha (不動明王アカラナータ, fudō myō-ō akaranāta)

voiced by : yasunori matsumoto

fudō myō-ō acalanahtha powerful member of beast fang trio, wears bat-shaped shakti. endowed ability copy battle techniques of opponent. engages hachibushu after defeats of kuṇḍalinī , trailō, subduing them effortlessly, , taking saras life. acalanātha s superiority on opponents overwhelming, until ryōma able discover weakness, memories of ryū-ō shakti battle Ācalanātha millennia ago. acalanātha killed ryōma @ cost of own life. later, acalanātha resurfaces more powerful, revived shiva, , wreaks havoc among ranks of vishnu s servants. despite seemingly unbeatable, acalanātha suffers crushing defeat , dies @ hands of shurato wearing mighty shakti of brahma.


vision of spirits past , future (去来霊視光, kyorai rei-shikō)

wisdom kings fusion (明王合身, myō-ō kasshin)

beast fang explosion (獣牙裂光弾, jyūga rekkōdan)

shura s demon destroying fist (修羅魔破拳, shura mah ha-ken)

karura s feather blizzard (迦楼羅翼吹雪, karura hane-fubuki)

king ten s crystal bind (天王水晶結, ten-ō suishōketsu)

hailah, earth emperor

chitei haira (地帝ハイラ)

voiced by : yū shimaka

chitei hailah 1 of group of asura gods accompanied yasha-ō gai in quest brahma s shakti. hailah tries stop shurato , friends pursuing same goal. karura-ō reiga engages hailah in battle allow comrades leave , continue quest. bloody battle ensues, hailah gaining advantage due tremendous strength , size, forces reiga consume of sōma unleash extremely powerful karura kayoku-jin technique, killing hailah not without exhausting himself in process.

antera, sun emperor

hitei antera (日帝アンテラ)

voiced by : ken ichi ono

hitei antera, 1 of asura gods , twin brother of santera, moon empress. antera ruled on duality principle of light. accompanied yasha-ō gai in quest brahma s shakti. he, along sister, engaged ryu-ō ryōma , ten-ō hyūga in battle, trapping them inside realm of duality.


yin yang s gravity star (陰陽重力星, inyō jyūryoku-sei)

santera, moon empress

gettei antera (月帝サンテラ)

voiced by : yūko sasaki

gettei santera, 1 of asura gods , twin sister of antera, sun emperor. santera ruled on duality principle of darkness. accompanied yasha-ō gai in quest brahma s shakti. she, along brother, engaged ryu-ō ryōma , ten-ō hyūga in battle, trapping them inside realm of duality.


yin yang s gravity star (陰陽重力星, inyō jyūryoku-sei)

kubilah, fire emperor

katei kubira (火帝クビラ)

voiced by : nozomu sasaki

katei kubilah last servant of shiva enter battle. kubilah engages shurato in unequal combat, whom overpowers ease due wondrous speed of movement , attack. although kubilah severely injured shurato, able find critical weakness in kubilah s defense, killing him.


fire emperor s thousand-hands savagery (火帝千手蛮, katei senjūban)

fire emperor s demon consuming flames (火帝魔限炎, katei magen en)


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