Biography Eleanor Mondale

1 biography

1.1 personal life
1.2 acting career
1.3 journalism career
1.4 film career
1.5 illness , death


mondale daughter of late joan mondale , former vice president walter mondale. older brother former minnesota state senator theodore a. ted mondale. younger brother attorney william h. mondale, former assistant minnesota attorney general. senior year of high school, mondale attended st. timothy s, boarding school outside of baltimore. after graduating st. lawrence university in canton, new york, moved begin career in hollywood.

personal life

after completed college education, mondale earned reputation in media being wild child , although claimed many of rumors unfounded. was, example, involved high-profile men , married 3 times. said have had affairs 1 or 2 married men.

mondale s first marriage, football player keith van horne, lasted april 9, 1988, until august 1989, when van horne filed divorce. in 1990 dated rock singer-songwriter warren zevon, traveling on tour him australia. dated washington redskins offensive tackle george starke.

mondale s second marriage, june 21, 1991, november 1991, greg malban, dj known greg thunder.

in 1999, mondale sold house in los angeles move new york boyfriend @ time, new york plastic , reconstructive surgeon joe debellis.

in june 2005 mondale married minneapolis musician chan poling of group new standards. mondale , poling lived on small farm in minnesota, raised miniature horses until death.

acting career

mondale dropped out of college in 1981 move hollywood. worked briefly , had 1 speaking line in tv series 240-robert. returned college, graduating in 1982. january 1983, mondale in hollywood, had small roles on tv shows such 3 s company, dynasty, , matt houston.

eleanor mondale regular guest on howard stern s e! tv show during late 1990s , 2000s.

journalism career

mondale interviewed fred thompson @ 2007 minnesota state fair.

mondale began journalism career while still in los angeles, taking job @ kabc-tv in 1985. left station in late 1985 , moved chicago, getting first radio break helicopter reporter @ wmaq (am). continued taking fill-in radio news jobs @ various chicago radio stations, including wckg-fm. waiting pilot of king world productions show, rock n roll evening news , sold. within few months show began airing in national syndication, mondale working midwest correspondent.

in 1986, mondale signed one-year contract powerhouse chicago radio station wgn (am) appear frequent contributor programs. in 1987, mondale joined chicago radio station wckg-fm morning news anchor. in june 1987, mondale shifted being co-host of wckg s morning show alongside john fisher. in 1988, mondale took leave of absence wckg collaborate chicago writer on book children of u.s. presidents.

in june 1989, mondale took job in minneapolis entertainment reporter wcco-tv. in march 1990, mondale quit unexpectedly few days before local magazine publish feature on mondale titled walter , joan s wild child .

after leaving wcco , spending time in australia, mondale became morning sidekick on wlol-fm in minneapolis, remained until station bought minnesota public radio in 1991. hosted great american tv poll on lifetime cable channel.

in april 1991, mondale returned chicago s airwaves morning sidekick @ wkqx, working alongside morning host robert murphy. mondale , fellow sidekick dan walker forced out of wkqx in january 1993.

after leaving wkqx, mondale began working in television. in march 1993, mondale , robin leach co-hosted two-hour special on national television madonna titled madonna exposed . in 1994, mondale began working correspondent nbc s today show.

in mid-1994, mondale landed job anchor/host of q , e , half-hour weekly celebrity show airing on e!, , regular correspondent network s news division. in 1996, mondale hired cbs los angeles-based correspondent morning .

mondale later hosted e! shows wild on in 1997 , e! news live. worked on espn reporter on horse racing events, lasted 2 years (2002–2003). covered espn2 professional rodeo cowboys association. after espn, co-hosted world s greatest auto shows speed channel in 2004 , 2005. worked cbs television show morning.

in 2006, after battling brain cancer first time, mondale signed on host @ wcco-am. remained there until 2009, when left airwaves go on disability because of cancer s recurrence.

in 2013, posthumously inducted minnesota broadcasting hall of fame.

film career

mondale had 5 speaking lines in opening minutes of 1991 film drop dead fred.
mondale appeared in 1999 film ground control in role of christine.
mondale narrated feature documentary film fritz: walter mondale story (2008), details life of father , aspects of own childhood.
mondale appeared in short film mirage (2004), directed sayer frey , produced shelli ainsworth.

illness , death

after bout of seizures, mondale diagnosed brain cancer in june 2005. in summer of 2006, cancer in remission, announced in february 2008 small tumor had returned , seek treatment @ mayo clinic. mondale again diagnosed brain cancer in august 2009 , scheduled undergo surgery later same month. died disease @ home in minnesota on september 17, 2011, @ age of 51.


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