Celebrations.2C Dances and Traditions Teabo Municipality

1 celebrations, dances , traditions

1.1 popular celebrations
1.2 traditions , customs
1.3 typical clothing
1.4 crafts

celebrations, dances , traditions
popular celebrations

april 28 may 3 in honor of santa cruz.
july 27, in honor san pedro , san pablo.
december 8 12 in honor of virgin of guadalupe, employer of population.

traditions , customs

for festival of saints, families build altars in houses , food offered deceased; typically consisting of traditional mucbil chicken, accompanied cornflour drink, , chocolate beaten water. regional celebrations include dance called jarana, , large competitions held participants.

typical clothing

by custom, women use simple huipiles, embroidery emphasizes squared cut of neck , edge of dress, placed on fustán average subject curly bottom waist earthen jar of same fabric; wear sandals, , protect sun, cover rebozo.

the farmers, older ones, dress in comfortable trousers, crude blanket, t-shirt buttoned in front, mandil (apron) made of cotí , straw hat. vaquerías, or celebrations, women dress formally, wearing ornate ternos, made fine fabric, embroidery , cross-stitched designs, hand. ternos complemented long gold chains, earrings, , bracelets, rosaries made of coral.

the men dress in white trousers , wear guayaberas, embroidered shirts front, waist level pockets (affluent men change plastic buttons gold set of buttons), canvas shoes , hats of jipijapa. during festivals, traditional red handkerchiefs tied around neck, indispensable when dancing jaranas.


the preparation of typical clothes, embroidering hand or machine, urdido of hammocks cotton threads , talabartería.


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