Modern use Engolpion

engolpion (panagia) depicting znamenny icon of theotokos.

all bishops wear particular kind of engolpion called panagia (greek: Παναγία), depicts theotokos (virgin mary). primates , bishops below primatial rank have dignity of wearing second engolpion, depicts christ. occasionally, archimandrite may awarded engolpion bears not icon of christ or theotokos, of cross. enkolpion may worn @ times part of bishop s street dress or choir dress. when bishop vests divine services, wear pectoral cross. when bishop vested before divine liturgy, if has dignity of wearing enkolpion in addition panagia, protodeacon chants following prayer subdeacons place on bishop: thy heart inditing of matter; thou shalt speak of deeds unto king, always, , ever, , unto ages of age. amen .

some enkolpia hollow, may used reliquary. enkolpia may have originated eucharistic lockets once worn monks in order able communicate when travelled. since bishops monks , travelled have naturally have had such lockets , since bishops eucharistic lockets have been made , ornamented more precious materials of ordinary monks.


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