Cetaceans List of mammals of Norway

1 cetaceans

1.1 beaked whales
1.2 white whales
1.3 sperm whales
1.4 porpoises
1.5 dolphins
1.6 baleen whales

beaked whales

sowerby s beaked whale, mesoplodon bidens
northern bottlenose whale, hyperoodon ampullatus

white whales

white whale, delphinapterus leucas
narwhal, monodon monoceros

sperm whales

sperm whale, physeter macrocephalus


common porpoise, phocoena phocoena


striped dolphin, stenella coeruleoalba (vagrant)
common dolphin, delphinus delphis
risso s dolphin, grampus griseus
common bottlenose dolphin, tursiops truncatus
atlantic white-sided dolphin, lagenorhynchus acutus
white-beaked dolphin, lagenorhynchus albirostris
killer whale, orcinus orca
pilot whale, globicephala melaena

baleen whales

minke whale, balaenoptera acuturostrata
sei whale, balaenoptera borealis
fin whale, balaenoptera physalis
blue whale, balaenoptera musculus
humpback whale, megaptera novaeangliae
north atlantic right whale, eubalaena glacialis or balaena glacialis. (vagrant, original eastern population extinct)
bowhead whale, balaena mysticetus


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