Company history Loesche GmbH

ernst curt loesche - founder of loesche gmbh

in 1906, engineer curt von grueber established company design , sale of kent mills in berlin. curt von grueber technisches bureau – forerunner of loesche gmbh –was manufacturer of cement , phosphate mills. in 1912, company began manufacturing products in own manufacturing facility, in berlin-hohenschönhausen , later in berlin-teltow. range of products included maxecon mills, hauenschild rotary grate kilns, , kinds of machinery cement production, including crushers , screw conveyors.

in july 1912 ernst curt loesche joined company young engineer. worked way through ranks management position , became partner in company in 1919.

despite fact german cement industry found in deep , sustained crisis after first world war, curt von grueber technisches bureau managed stay afloat supplying new coal-fired power stations mills. in 1927, ernst curt loesche developed loesche mill klingenberg power station in berlin-rummelsburg , in 1937, ernst curt loesche bought curt von grueber’s share in company , became sole owner.

the outbreak of second world war caesura in history of ernst curt loesche’s company. case many other machine manufacturers, company obliged produce armaments german war effort: reich air ministry replaced cement industry company’s largest customer. following damaging air raid in 1943, production @ teltow works ground halt. in 1945, @ end of war, soviet occupation forces insisted company’s machinery in teltow dismantled , transported soviet union. few months later, company in business working out-dated machinery. when soviet military administration expropriated curt von grueber maschinenbauanstalt without paying form of compensation in april 1948, ernst curt loesche decided leave berlin , rebuild company in 1 of 3 western zones of occupation.

after expropriation of berlin works, ernst curt loesche , of employees had worked him in berlin began rebuilding company, known loesche hartzerkleinerungs- und zementmaschinen kg, in ruined building in düsseldorf in summer of 1948. when ernst curt loesche died unexpectedly in november of same year, son, ernst guenter, took on business. under leadership , own manufacturing facility in neuss, loesche kg re-established in 1950s , after 35 years managing director of company, ernst guenter loesche retired in late 1983.

with dr. thomas loesche @ helm, third generation of loesche family managing company. in 1992 company moved new, larger office building on hansaallee.

the collapse of economies in south-east asia in 1997 plunged company deep crisis. however, new ideas , introduction of series of rationalization measures enabled company recover.

on august 1, 2008, loesche gmbh founded loesche automation gmbh. new company active in distribution , further development of loesche industrial automation product crushing plants.

on may 2009 quality certificate prolonged until 2012 internationally renowned certifier lloyd s register quality assurance (lrqa). basis of certification revision of iso 9001:2008 valid since december 2008.

in 2013, loesche opened 2 new subsidiaries, 1 in jakarta, indonesia.


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