Decline .281490.E2.80.931526.29 History of Hungary

louis ii of hungary , bohemia – young king, died @ battle of mohács, painted titian.

instead of preparing defence of country against foreign powers, hungarian magnates more focused on threat privileges strong royal power. not wanting assertive king after death of childless matthias corvinus, magnates arranged accession of king vladislaus ii of bohemia precisely because of notorious weakness; in fact, known king dobže, or dobzse (meaning or, loosely, ok ) habit of accepting word every paper laid before him. during reign (1490–1516), central power began experience severe financial difficulties, largely due enlargement of feudal lands @ expense. magnates dismantled administrative systems in country had worked matthias. country s defenses declined border guards , castle garrisons went unpaid, fortresses fell disrepair, , initiatives increase taxes reinforce defenses stifled. hungary s international role neutralized, political stability shaken, , social progress deadlocked.

in 1514, weakened , aging vladislaus faced major peasant rebellion led györgy dózsa. ruthlessly crushed hungarian nobles led jános szapolyai. resulting degradation of order paved way ottoman ambitions acquire hungarian territory. in 1521, strongest hungarian fortress in south, nándorfehérvár (modern belgrade), fell turks, , in 1526, hungarian army crushed @ battle of mohács. young king louis ii of hungary , bohemia died in battle along leader of hungarian army, pál tomori. appearance of protestantism further worsened internal unity in anarchical country.


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