Diagnosis Sexual addiction

1 diagnosis

1.1 dsm
1.2 icd
1.3 ccmd
1.4 other diagnostic criteria
1.5 borderline personality disorder
1.6 medical reviews , position statements


none of official diagnostic classification frameworks list sexual addiction distinct disorder.


the american psychiatric association (apa) publishes , periodically updates diagnostic , statistical manual of mental disorders (dsm), recognized compendium of mental health diagnostics.

the version published in 1987 (dsm-iii-r), referred distress pattern of repeated sexual conquests or other forms of nonparaphilic sexual addiction, involving succession of people exist things used. reference sexual addiction subsequently removed. dsm-iv-tr, published in 2000 (dsm-iv-tr), did not include sexual addiction mental disorder.

some authors suggested sexual addiction should re-introduced dsm system; however, sexual addiction rejected inclusion in dsm-5, published in 2013. darrel regier, vice-chair of dsm-5 task force, said [a]lthough hypersexuality proposed new addition...[the phenomenon] not @ point ready call addiction. proposed diagnosis not make cut official diagnosis due lack of research diagnostic criteria compulsive sexual behavior, according apa.


the world health organization produces international classification of diseases (icd), not limited mental disorders. recent version of document, icd-10, includes excessive sexual drive diagnosis (code f52.8), subdividing satyriasis (for males) , nymphomania (for females). however, icd categorises these diagnoses compulsive behaviors or impulse control disorders , not addiction.


the chinese society of psychiatry produces chinese classification of mental disorders (ccmd), in third edition – ccmd-3 not include sexual addiction diagnosis.

other diagnostic criteria

some mental health providers have proposed various, similar, criteria diagnosing sexual addiction, including patrick carnes, , aviel goodman. carnes authored first clinical book sex addiction in 1983, based on own empirical research. diagnostic model still largely utilized thousands of certified sex addiction therapists (csats) trained organization founded. no diagnostic proposal sex addiction has been adopted official government diagnostic manual, however.

during update of diagnostic , statistical manual version 5 (dsm-5), apa rejected 2 independent proposals inclusion.

in 2011, american society of addiction medicine (asam), largest medical consensus of physicians dedicated treating , preventing addiction, redefined addiction chronic brain disorder, first time broadened definition of addiction substances include addictive behaviors , reward-seeking, such gambling , sex.

borderline personality disorder

the icd, dsm , ccmd list promiscuity prevalent , problematic symptom borderline personality disorder. individuals diagnosis engage in sexual behaviors can appear out of control causing distress individual or attracting negative reception others. there therefore risk person presenting sex addiction, may in fact suffering borderline personality disorder. may lead inappropriate or incomplete treatment

medical reviews , position statements

in november 2016, american association of sexuality educators, counselors , therapists (aasect), official body sex , relationship therapy in united states, issued position statement on sex addiction states aasect not find sufficient empirical evidence support classification of sex addiction or porn addiction mental health disorder, , not find sexual addiction training , treatment methods , educational pedagogies adequately informed accurate human sexuality knowledge. therefore, position of aasect linking problems related sexual urges, thoughts or behaviors porn/sexual addiction process cannot advanced aasect standard of practice sexuality education delivery, counseling or therapy.

in 2017, 3 new usa sexual health organizations found no support idea sex or adult films addictive in position statement.

in november 16, 2017 association treatment of sexual abusers (atsa) published position against sending sex offenders sex addiction treatment facilities. centers argued illegal behaviors symptoms of sex addiction, atsa challenged had no scientific evidence support.


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