Types Beoseon

tarae-beoseon, variety of beoseon children

the types of beoseon can varied purpose, shape, , sewing technique. goteun beoseon (곧은버선) or called godeulmok beoseon (고들목버선) , nuin beoseon (누인버선) defined shape.

according sewing technique, beoseon divided som beoseon, gyeop beoseon, hot beoseon, nubi beoseon, , tarae beoseon. som beoseon (솜버선) composed of outer fabric , cotton (som in korean) batting give foot warmth , style. gyeop beoseon (겹버선) made 2 layers (gyeop) of fabric without stuffing inside. hot beoseon (홑버선) made 1 layer (hot) , worn inner sock prevent outer beoseon getting dirty. nubi beoseon (누비버선) made quilting (nubi) , worn protection against cold during winter. beoseon considered practical because of easiness handle after cleaning although running stitches can broken or stiff other beoseon. tarae beoseon (타래버선) decorative socks children. after quilted, tarae beosoen embrodered strings in various colors, , string attached each portion of ankle bind them @ front.

although shape of beoseon not reflect gender, beoseon men have straighter seam of women.


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