Web series Buck Rogers

the cawley entertainment company in 2009 announced produce web series, buck rogers in 25th century in association dille family trust. series purported based on original comic strip , shows how rogers propelled world war 1 25th century. star bobby quinn rice in title role of lucas buck rogers. gil gerard , erin gray, played rogers , deering in 1979 movie , television series, set appear in first episode buck rogers parents, , samantha gray hissong (daughter of erin gray) play madison gale. teaser scene gerard , gray released on youtube in may 2010

announced webcasting on internet in 2010, series never materialized , references on internet movie database have been deleted. may 4, 2011 article purported project dead , citing comments gerard , gray. kickstarter crowd-sourced funding effort failed reach goal, , no official word status of project producers has been released since kickstarter effort.


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