Practice Architect

1 practice

1.1 design role
1.2 means of design
1.3 environmental role
1.4 construction role
1.5 alternate practice , specializations


in architectural profession, technical , environmental knowledge, design , construction management, , understanding of business important design. however, design driving force throughout project , beyond. architect accepts commission client. commission might involve preparing feasibility reports, building audits, design of building or of several buildings, structures, , spaces among them. architect participates in developing requirements client wants in building. throughout project (planning occupancy), architect co-ordinates design team. structural, mechanical, , electrical engineers , other specialists, hired client or architect, must ensure work co-ordinated construct design.

design role

the architect hired client responsible creating design concept meets requirements of client , provides facility suitable required use. in that, architect must meet , question client ascertain requirements , nuances of planned project. full brief not entirely clear @ beginning, entailing degree of risk in design undertaking. architect may make proposals client may rework terms of brief. program or brief essential producing project meets needs of owner — guide architect in creating design concept.

it expected design proposal(s)is both imaginative pragmatic, precise extent , nature of these expectations vary, depending on place, time, finance, culture, , available crafts , technology in design takes place.

design buildings complex , demanding undertaking, no matter scale of project might be. strong degree of foresight prerequisite. design concept must @ stage in generation take account great number of issues , variables include qualities of space(s), end-use , life-cycle of these proposed spaces, connections, relations, , aspects between spaces including how put impact of proposals on immediate , wider locality. selection of appropriate materials , technology must considered, tested , reviewed @ stage in design ensure there no setbacks (such higher-than-expected costs) may occur later. site , environs, culture , history of place, influence design. design must countenance increasing concerns environmental sustainability. architect may introduce (intentionally or not), greater or lesser degrees, aspects of mathematics , architecture, new or current architectural theory, or references architectural history.

a key part of design architect consults engineers, surveyors , other specialists throughout design, ensuring aspects such structural supports , air conditioning elements coordinated in scheme whole. control , planning of construction costs part of these consultations. coordination of different aspects involves high degree of specialized communication, including advanced computer technology such bim (building information management), cad, , cloud-based technologies.

at times in design, architect reports client may have reservations or recommendations, introducing further variable design.

architects deal local , federal jurisdictions regulations , building codes. architect might need comply local planning , zoning laws, such required setbacks, height limitations, parking requirements, transparency requirements (windows), , land use. established jurisdictions require adherence design , historic preservation guidelines. health , safety risks form vital part of current design, , in many jurisdictions, design reports , records required include ongoing considerations such materials , contaminants, waste management , recycling, traffic control , fire safety.

means of design

previously, architects employed drawings illustrate , generate design proposals. while conceptual sketches still used architects, computer technology has become industry standard. however, design may include use of photos, collages, prints, linocuts, , other media in design production. increasingly, computer software such bim shaping how architects work. bim technology allows creation of virtual building serves information database sharing of design , building information throughout life-cycle of building s design, construction , maintenance.

environmental role

as current buildings known high emitters of carbon atmosphere, increasing controls being placed on buildings , associated technology reduce emissions, increase energy efficiency, , make use of renewable energy sources. renewable energy sources may developed within proposed building or via local or national renewable energy providers. result, architect required remain abreast of current regulations continually tightening. new developments exhibit extremely low energy use. however, architect increasingly required provide initiatives in wider environmental sense, such making provision low-energy transport, natural daylighting instead of artificial lighting, natural ventilation instead of air conditioning, pollution, , waste management, use of recycled materials , employment of materials can recycled in future.

construction role

as design becomes more advanced , detailed, specifications , detail designs made of elements , components of building. techniques in production of building continually advancing places demand on architect ensure or remains date these advances.

depending on client s needs , jurisdiction s requirements, spectrum of architect s services during construction stages may extensive (detailed document preparation , construction review) or less involved (such allowing contractor exercise considerable design-build functions).

architects typically put projects tender on behalf of clients, advise on award of project general contractor, facilitate , administer contract of agreement between client , contractor. contract legally binding , covers wide range of aspects including insurances , commitments of stakeholders, status of design documents, provisions architect s access, , procedures control of works proceed. depending on type of contract utilized, provisions further sub-contract tenders may required. architect may require elements covered warranty specifies expected life , other aspects of material, product or work.

in jurisdictions, prior notification relevant local authority must given before commencement on site, giving local authority notice carry out independent inspections. architect review , inspect progress of work in coordination local authority.

the architect typically review contractor shop drawings , other submittals, prepare , issue site instructions, , provide certificates payment contractor (see design-bid-build) based on work done date materials , other goods purchased or hired. in united kingdom , other countries, quantity surveyor part of team provide cost consulting. large, complex projects, independent construction manager hired assist in design , manage construction.

in many jurisdictions, mandatory certification or assurance of completed work or part of works required. demand certification entails high degree of risk - therefore, regular inspections of work progresses on site required ensure in compliance design relevant statutes , permissions.

alternate practice , specializations

recent decades have seen rise of specializations within profession. many architects , architectural firms focus on project types (for example, healthcare, retail, public housing, event management), technological expertise or project delivery methods. architects specialize building code, building envelope, sustainable design, technical writing, historic preservation(us) or conservation (uk), accessibility , other forms of specialist consultants.

many architects elect move real estate (property) development, corporate facilities planning, project management, construction management, interior design, or other related fields.


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