Works Shlomo Ganzfried

1 works

1.1 kitzur shulchan aruch

1.1.1 translations

1.2 other works

kitzur shulchan aruch

the kitzur shulchan aruch, published in 1874, summary of shulchan aruch of joseph karo reference later commentaries, per title page of first edition, written god-fearing jews not in position study , comprehend [original, full] shulchan aruch , commentaries, and... composed in hebrew can understood. kitzur states permitted , forbidden without ambiguity. ganzfried hungarian jew , emphasis on customs of jews of hungary @ time. work explicitly written popular text , such not @ level of detail of shulchan aruch itself, while following structure. rabbi ganzfried expressed intentions in introduction:

to counsel ruling, ganzfried based decisions on 3 ashkenazi authorities: rabbi yaakov lorberbaum; rabbi shneur zalman of liadi, author of shulchan aruch harav; , rabbi abraham danzig, author of chayei adam , chochmat adam. in cases of disagreement adopted majority view. (karo had used similar method in composing shulchan aruch (1563) references rabbi isaac alfasi, maimonides , rabbi asher ben jehiel.)

the kitzur became immensely popular after publication due simplicity, , still popular within orthodox judaism, framework study. many other works – ben ish hai, chayei adam , others – concise, , suitable laypersons or summaries of shulchan aruch did not reach level of kitzur s popularity. kitzur not basis making halakhic decisions; rather, rabbis use shulchan aruch (including various commentaries), or later works such kaf hachaim or mishnah berurah. because of popularity printed cross-references other works of halakha, shulchan aruch harav or mishnah berurah; 1 popular edition contains notes former chief rabbi mordechai eliyahu entitled darkhe halakhah cross-referring leading sephardi authorities. many editions include appendix laws pertaining land of israel chazon ish (rabbi avraham yeshaya karelitz). recent commentary shearim metzuyanim be-halakhah, rabbi shlomo zalman braun, examines contemporary problems in light of work. ganzfried himself, however, stated there should no commentaries on work, since point, indicated title, should remain short – , such commentaries should appended shulchan aruch itself, rather kitzur. however, mishnah berurah has supplanted works chayei adam , aruch hashulchan primary authority on jewish daily living among ashkenazi jews.

the kitzur shulchan aruch yomi ( daily kitzur shulchan aruch ) daily learning program, work completed each year. schedule not follow contents in order, rather arranged such 1 reviews laws of jewish holidays in weeks before each. person can start learning @ time of year , complete on course of year. program increasingly popular requires 5 – 10 minutes per day. there are, correspondingly, numerous online resources; see below.


the kitzur shulchan aruch has been translated english several times. hyman e. goldin s translation published in 1961 attempt eliminate errors , improve upon previous translations, making more comprehensible scholar , layperson alike. thought goldin s english title code of jewish law has added popularity of work, although misleading. 1980s , 90s saw publication of 2 modernized translations, included cross references similar in contemporary hebrew editions above: in 1987 metsudah publications released translation rabbi avrohom davis, , in 1991 moznaim publishing released translation rabbi eliyahu touger. recent (2011) translation artscroll, under general editorship of rabbi eliyahu klugman, includes comparisons mishnah berurah , igrot moshe of moshe feinstein. various other translations available online; see external links below.

code of jewish law. hebrew publishing co. (transl. hyman goldin), 1927. isbn 0-88482-779-8
kitzur shulchan aruch. compact set. metsudah publications, 2006. isbn 1-931681-99-6
kitzur schulchan oruch. moznaim publishing corp, 1991. isbn 0-940118-63-7
the kleinman edition kitzur shulchan aruch. vol. 1. artscroll, 2008. isbn 1-4226-0832-8

it has been translated spanish in 2 volumes rabbi nosson grunblatt , published kehot lubavitch sudamericana, buenos aires, argentina.

other works

kesset hasofer (קסת הסופר), halachic primer scribes published in 1835. ganzfried composed while still engaged in business. (above states left commerce , became rabbi in 1830. 1 of these statements wrong.)
pnei shlomo (פני שלמה), elucidation of portions of talmud.
torat zevach (תורת זבח), halakhic handbook practitioners of shechita, ritual slaughter.
sefer apiryon (ספר אפריון), commentary on bible.
lechem v simlah (לחם ושמלה) on laws of niddah
ohalei sheim (אהלי שם) on official spellings of hebrew names, pertaining gittin.
sheim yosef (שם יוסף) on various sugyos in shas.
sefer galuy letter written @ time of congress of 1869

^ quoted archived july 14, 2011, @ wayback machine.
^ thought title added book s immediate , continuing popularity.
^ goldin, hyman e. kitzur shulchan aruch – code of jewish law, forward new edition. (new york: hebrew publishing company, 1961)
^ metsudah kitzur shulchan aruch (3 volumes). isbn 1-931681-99-6
^ kitzur schulchan oruch - code of jewish law (2 volumes). isbn 0-940118-63-7
^ kleinman edition kitzur shulchan aruch (5 volumes). isbn 1-4226-1104-3


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