Consequences of the danka system Danka system

1 consequences of danka system

1.1 structural distortions
1.2 advent of funerary buddhism
1.3 haibutsu kishaku movement

consequences of danka system

the consequences of 2 centuries , half of terauke use , of bureaucratization of buddhism numerous , profound, first of buddhism itself.

structural distortions

the chasm between allowed , forbidden sects became deeper had been. if on 1 hand buddhism allowed diversification of authorized sects, on other punished tendencies put question political status quo. danka registered @ closest temple regardless of religious affiliations, these became gradually less important. consequence of these factors, differences among sects allowed government got watered down , buddhism became more uniform, not least because shogunate had in matters of religious orthodoxy.

during edo period, buddhism therefore offered few new ideas (with possible exception of reform of zen sects). on contrary, development during same period of japanese confucianism , shinto, , birth of so-called new religions produced interesting ideas.

the advent of funerary buddhism

even though original intent of buddhism spreading of teachings of buddha, buddhist temples in japan today cemeteries. so-called sōshiki bukkyō (葬式仏教) or funerary buddhism of today, lampooned example in juzo itami s film funeral, japanese buddhism s essential function has become confined performance of funerals , memorial services, direct consequence of danka system, sale of posthumous names (or kaimyō (戒名)). far buddhism concerned, defining feature of danka system during edo period fact guaranteed steady stream of profits mandatory funerary rites. cash flow paid majority of temples in japan , guaranteed proliferation, , inseparable danka system. hence tight association between buddhism , death continues day. when formal dissolution of whole danka system arrived after world war ii, meant buddhism great loss of income, , therefore financial insecurity.

the haibutsu kishaku movement

the use of terauke , widespread resentment created considered 1 of primary causes of haibutsu kishaku, violent , spontaneous movement @ beginning of meiji era caused destruction of high number of temples on japan. government s official policy of separation of shinto , buddhism (shinbutsu bunri) of time, while not directly responsible destruction, provided trigger released pent-up energy. considering buddhism s close association tokugawa, can t surprise buddhist monks regarded state agents , several sectors of edo society began trying find alternate ways satisfy spiritual needs.

in spite of history, buddhism had decisive advantages on both shinto , confucianism during meiji era made impossible replace either. many rituals (the jūsan butsuji, or thirteen buddhist rituals), buddhism better people cope death. moreover, shinto associates death , pollution, intrinsically less suitable funerary ceremonies, while confucianism in japan did not concern funerals. lastly, buddhism had country-wide infrastructure neither shinto nor confucianism match.


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