Organisational Structure Fire and Rescue Department of Malaysia

1 organisational structure

1.1 federal level
1.2 state branch director
1.3 fire , rescue academy
1.4 auxiliary firefighter force

1.4.1 mosar

1.5 volunteer fire , rescue force

organisational structure
federal level

state branch director

fire , rescue academy

currently there 5 fire , rescue academy of malaysia (fram) (malay: akademi bomba dan penyelamat malaysia) is:

fram offers certificate , diplomas in fire , rescue related jbpm personnel , civilians.

fram band unit attached fram central regional.

auxiliary firefighter force

in 4 may 2014, malaysian government has re-established auxiliary firefighter force (malay: pasukan bomba bantuan) during international firefighters day celebration in merdeka square, kuala lumpur. launch officiated deputy prime minister, tan sri muhyidin yassin. auxiliary firefighter first formed in 1940, however, in 1946, absorbed regular firefighter force.

the difference between auxiliary bomba , bomba volunteers auxiliary firefighters (malay: pegawai bomba bantuan; pbb) training fram while firefighter volunteers receive training @ local state , district fire stations. because of this, auxiliary firefighters protected under section 5(1) & (2) fire , rescue services act 1988 (act 341) , receive allowances government. firefighter volunteers in other hand did not receive allowances government, instead receive allowances local community. protected insurance paid malaysian government.


in 23rd jun 2015, auxiliary firefighter force established own elite search , rescue unit. unit named mosar abbreviation mountain search , rescue team.

at ceremony @ ranau fire stations, 20 mount kinabalu s mountain guides whom auxiliary firefighters appointed first batch of mosar. ceremony officiated minister of urban wellbeing, housing , local government, datuk abdul rahman dahlan.

in big operation involving mountain, mosar part of bomba task force jbpm special forces such must, emrs , storm.

volunteer fire , rescue force

volunteer fire , rescue force (malay: pasukan bomba dan penyelamat sukarela; bompens) traces history way since year 1883. modern volunteer fire , rescue force formed in 1987 , protected under section 62 (1) (ca) fire , rescue services act 1988. each volunteer fire , rescue force has own fire stations, firetrucks , equipment; sponsored local industry.

the primary role of volunteer fire , rescue force perform firefighting operations in community. in case of fire emergency happen in community, volunteers first there control if not extinguish fire. secondary role link between jbpm , local community. entrusted jbpm spread awareness regarding fire safety.

the volunteer fire , rescue force training regularly district fire stations , equipment in shape fire emergency. volunteers can identified yellow firefighting operations dress.


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