Founding and early years Wild Waves Theme Park

hooks lagoon

the enchanted village theme park first opened in 1977 byron betts. initial 12-acre (49,000 m) park site held half-dozen rides. in 1984, wild waves waterpark built adjacent enchanted village; combined amusement complex became known enchanted parks. in 1991, co-owners michael moodenbaugh , jeff stock paid $8 million enchanted parks. in 1993, moodenbaugh traded share of enchanted parks, inc. shares in jointly owned amusement park in amherstburg, ontario, canada called boblo island amusement park, inc. in 1993, jeff stock purchased several rides boblo island. stock sold shares of enchanted parks, inc. in late 2000 6 flags $19.3 million. in 2000 park had grown on 70 acres (280,000 m), more 20 rides, , northwest s largest waterpark. in 2002 , 2003, major expansion took place, addition of several new attractions, many manufactured zamperla , s&s power. in 2002, approximately 1000 seasonal workers employed positions rides operators , food service workers. many of these seasonal workers students of local high schools. park s name reverted enchanted village , wild waves water park 2016 season once again split park 2 separate parks instead of one.


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