Minor Characters List of Wicked characters

1 minor characters

1.1 princess nastoya
1.2 avaric margreaves of tenmeadows
1.3 crope , tibbett
1.4 ama clutch
1.5 sarima tigelaar
1.6 iskinaary
1.7 scarecrow
1.8 tin man
1.9 turtle heart
1.10 lord shem ottokos
1.11 sister doctor
1.12 irji tigelaar
1.13 manek tigelaar
1.14 two, three, four, five, , six
1.15 milla, pfannee, , shenshen
1.16 doctor nikidik
1.17 miss greyling
1.18 oatsie manglehand
1.19 sir chuffrey
1.20 professor lenx , mister mikko
1.21 rhinoceros
1.22 general kynot
1.23 dosey
1.24 sillipede
1.25 chyde
1.26 superior maunt of cloister of saint glinda
1.27 muhlama h’aekeem
1.28 cubbins , bears
1.29 po puggles understar
1.30 ig chef baernaereanaesis
1.31 miss murth
1.32 proctor gadfry clapp
1.33 miss ironish clapp
1.34 scarly

minor characters
princess nastoya

an elephant availed herself of witch s charm disguise herself in human form. while used able shift between elephant , human form, finding increasingly difficult this, leads believe dying. giving protection , home, agreed become leader of scrow. when meets liir, explains when elphaba, besieged @ kiamo ko wizard s gale forces, sent out crows ask nastoya s help, crows attacked , devoured nocturnal rocs, circumstance of nastoya learned later. nastoya has been unsuccessfully trying unite tribes of vinkus—the scrow, yunamata , arjikis—against wizard. liir , candle manage break spell on her, returning elephant before dies. in out of oz reveal mombey sorceress placed spell on her.

avaric margreaves of tenmeadows

avaric friend of boq s , galinda s. of gillikenese nobility , son of, , later himself, margreave of tenmeadows. described being handsome , perfect friend . elphaba visits him later in novel, after killing madame morrible, , discuss nature of evil of friends. during visit, seems have selective memory, since doesn t remember elphaba , says not keep unimportant details in head. of avaric s characteristics given fiyero in musical, , makes short cameo appearance fiyero s driver. makes appearance in both lion among men , out of oz manservant of elphaba , nessarose s brother shell, has dubbed himself physical incarnation of unnamed god , emperor apostle of oz.

crope , tibbett

crope , tibbett 2 men attend shiz university along boq. later become members of main group of friends features in second part of book. both emerald city boys, sons of tax collector , palace security advisor, respectively. subtly implied several times may gay or bisexual. towards end of second section of novel, tibbett plays role being chosen sex act takes place @ philosophy club following ama clutch s funeral. though act left unfinished author, implied tibbett sodomized tiger. tibbett later mentioned in fourth section being brought elphaba s nunnery incurable disease. never revealed illness or how got it, though speculate due aforementioned sex act. death inspires elphaba leave nunnery. crope mentioned in third part of book having become actor , managing arts auction house. later shown glinda shopping , having tea fiyero.

ama clutch

galinda’s chaperone, accompanies shiz university, ama clutch present throughout galinda , elphaba s time @ university. loses sanity in suspicious fashion when witnesses murder of doctor dillamond. suggested madame morrible hexed ama clutch, afflicting same crazed behaviour galinda (falsely) claimed responsible ama clutch s absence roommate negotiations; namely talking inanimate objects chairs, rusty nails , evening gowns if people. prior death, galinda (now glinda) magically restores ama clutch s sanity brief period, giving opportunity reveal grommetik responsible death of doctor dillamond. should noted galinda made ama clutch s ailment when first privately met madame morrible.

sarima tigelaar

sarima fiyero s wife , mother of 3 legitimate children. first mentioned in second , third parts of book, takes major role in fourth part. time, dowager princess of arjikis. when arrives, elphaba tries tell sarima truth of fiyero s death, sarima refuses hear it, though welcomes elphaba home winter. develops friendship elphaba , reveals believed fiyero having affair glinda, , sir chuffrey behind death. taken away commander cherrystone @ end of fourth part, , later revealed killed unknown assailant.


iskinaary grey goose member of conference of birds. follows liir apple press farm after witch formation on emerald city. beautiful, vain and, own estimation, intelligent. @ 1 point, refers himself liir s familiar. in ‘out of oz’ becomes of protector of rain, going far follow out of oz, finding food , water tries reach mythical sea.

the scarecrow

the scarecrow 1 of dorothy’s companions along yellow brick road. character has more substantial role in son of witch tin man or cowardly lion. searches out liir after having seen wizard warn him dirt boulevard, slum living in, cleaned authorities, , helps him escape purge. brings elphaba s broom liir, palace officials going throw out. before , liir part ways, tells liir not planning remain in emerald city, explaining: 1 day re celebrity, next day re hauled off jail. scarecrow later appears @ glinda s induction order of right, is, according liir, obvious impostor. impostor has unfortunate accident involving beaker of lighter fluid , leads shell becoming emperor apostle.

the tin man

the tin man 1 of dorothy’s companions along yellow brick road. has no substantial role in series unlike scarecrow , lion. real name revealed nick boq chopper. under spell nessarose. @ request of former fiancé s employer, enchantment placed on axe supposed take off 1 of arms; instead, made him tin.

turtle heart

turtle heart wandering glassblower quadling country. comes upon melena s home while frex out preaching. melena , turtle heart have extended affair, , implied frex had intimate relations him, (he , melena sharing him equally). suggested father of nessarose, though family timeline @ beginning of lion among men lists frex nessarose s father. mentioned killed @ colwen grounds on day nessarose born, human sacrifice bring rain munchkinland (which throughout novel experiences extreme, economically crippling droughts). death convinces frex , melena travel quadling country convert people unionism.

lord shem ottokos

an old scrow acts princess nastoya s chief translator , major domo. studied @ shiz university, gives him facility other ozian languages. after nastoya s death, becomes leader of scrow.

sister doctor

a maunt in cloister of saint glinda, , professional rival of sister apothecaire; not think highly of each other s medical skills. sister doctor described beefy, questionable credentials, excellent diagnostician. both sisters give liir small chance of recovery when arrives @ cloister. superior maunt sends them on mission in vinkus partly stop them fussing on injured liir. becomes 1 of members of triumvirate preside on mauntery along superior maunt , candle.

irji tigelaar

irji son of fiyero , sarima. brother of manek , nor, , implied half-brother of liir. irji eldest of fiyero , sarima s 3 children, , next in line prince of arjiki tribe (though aunts believe brother manek better-suited job). throughout novel, irji grows character both physically , mentally. mentally, becomes more strong-willed , open brother. physically, experiences puberty. noted in 1 chapter sight of liir s naked body being greased causes him feel funny in trousers , implying homosexual. beyond that, not shown irji throughout rest of novel, aside occasional mention of increasing holiness (toward pagan/lurline religion). when family captured, murdered publicly paraffin necklace. irji not appear in musical adaptation of wicked. because sarima not introduced in musical; thus, fiyero , sarima never married, , irji never born. or else, did exist, arrested , out of picture time musical s finale occurs @ fiyero s castle.

manek tigelaar

manek son of fiyero , sarima. trouble-maker , borderline sociopathic, , engages in licentious activities. instance, tricks brother, irji, , elphaba s implied son, liir, urinating off wall sport while sister, nor, watching. makes liir take off trousers see if genitals green elphaba s skin. manek strong-willed , considered aunts better choice prince of arjiki tribe irji, heir. in novel, killed falling icicle, charmed (possibly accidentally) elphaba punishment manek s tricking liir being trapped in fishwell , dying, , keeping secret while rest of household searching missing liir. manek, mother, siblings, , aunts not appear in musical adaptation of wicked.

two, three, four, five, , six

two, three, four, five, , 6 sarima s sisters. because sarima eldest , must married before them, widowhood means cannot marry , resent her. seem of work around castle. try set sarima , commander cherrystone because remarriage of sarima mean marry well, fails. reported being killed unknown soldier.

milla, pfannee, , shenshen

milla shiz girl of galinda s social class, though appears less pfanee , shenshen, have more dialogue during girls school years. later unhappily married boq, , attempts suicide. pfannee 1 of galinda s friends. munchkinlander of diminutive size. invites elphaba lake chorge joke, makes brief appearance @ end of out of oz. shenshen of galinda s friends, makes appearance in out of oz teacher @ st prowds school in shiz rain attending.

doctor nikidik

doctor nikidik dr. dillamond s replacement, teacher seems responsible taking lion cub, brrr, mother, enrages elphaba.

miss greyling

miss greyling professor of sorcery @ shiz university, teaches glinda how sorceress. described incompetent, friendly , failures inspire girls willing try own magic. mentioned in lion among men asked translate reverse side of grimmerie page on dragons wizard took elphaba. in out of oz, company of clock meet in outback of quadling country reveals emperor has banned magic in oz. rain mistakes bird woman because of clothing. interrogated , tortured emerald city soldiers abouts of clock manages send dosey wren warn them. first name grayce. when brrr asks if last name spelt or e , says interchangeable has changed last name graeling more consistent.

oatsie manglehand

a woman runs horse-and-coach caravan transports passengers along grassland trail through vinkus. driver named nubb. transports liir , elphaba kiamo ko in wicked , finds injured liir , brings him cloister of saint glinda in son of witch.

sir chuffrey

he paltos baron glinda s husband. not said of him, known wealthy business man , infertile, implied glinda.

professor lenx , mister mikko

professor lenx boar teaches math. joins doctor dillamond in storming out when madame morrible recites poem insults animals. mister mikko ape teaches history. both reappear briefly in lion among men, in living in outskirts of munchkinland. in out of oz, brrr meets mister mikko in reading room in bright lettins. reveals professor lenx died years ago, helps lion rescue dorothy.


rhinoceros librarian @ 3 queens. bit of absent boss, failed notice boq, crope, , tibbett (who supposed spend summer working him) shirking work duties elphaba , doctor dillamond s work.

general kynot

the short-tempered cliff eagle president of conference of birds. seem strong leader thinks birds superior other animals. tells dosey wren off being polite liir. offers liir find nor if liir can elphaba s broom , defeat dragons, prevent birds flying safely on oz. in out of oz asks dosey wren find company of clock , tell them dorothy s return. witnesses liir s transformation elephant , assumes has been murdered. informs candle , helps fly emerald city find rain after dragon attack.


a motherly wren @ conference arguments persuade liir birds. appears in out of oz comes warn company of clock pursuing emerald city soldiers. later appears before liir , brrr inform them of dorothy s return oz.


an old cabaret performer liir , trism see perform @ cherry , cucumber . performs risqué (and potentially treasonous) monologue satirizes emperor apostle, audience s discomfort. (sillipede referred in wicked, in city of emeralds section, when glinda recounts fiyero recent spotting of nessarose , nanny in emerald city, @ sillipede s fourth comeback tour concert).


the under-mayor of southstairs. described sallow , has fondness jewels—all fingers , both thumbs loaded rings. assistant jibbidee, elf, later escapes southstairs , ends serving drinks @ tavern in strumpet square.

the superior maunt of cloister of saint glinda

the superior maunt during elphaba s seven-year stay @ cloister. pertha hills in gillikin. during siege of cloister, abdicates sole authority of mauntery , establishes triumvirate consisting of herself, sister doctor, , absent candle.

muhlama h’aekeem

muhlama ivory tiger , princess of ghullim. father uyodor h’aekeem. brrr stumbles upon them while travelling through madeleines in lion among men. recruited pride of tigers develops feelings muhlama , ends sleeping her, act has him kicked out of pride. muhlama portrayed being feisty , free spirit longing away life princess. implied used brrr in order wish. makes appearance in out of oz, in leads company of clock liir , candle.

cubbins , bears

cubbins youngest member of group of bears live in great gillikin forest. brrr meets him while journeying tenniken in lion among men. bears ruled queen, ursaless, , although can speak, unable remember facts long. cubbins explains older lose interest in past , live present. cubbins youngest charged remembering bears history. becomes friends brrr , interested in books carries. tells brrr ‘cloud swamp’ ozmists. when brrr stumbles across them, cubbins comes racing in him speak them. cubbins ends upsetting them , , brrr attacked insects. later appears in out of oz owner of antique shop in shiz, defunct grommetik resides.

po puggles understar

puggles glinda s butler in out of oz. 1 of members of staff @ mockbeggar hall whom glinda chooses stay when cherrystone places under house arrest. severely injured during scuffle of cherrystone s men throw him off parapet. when glinda hands on rain brrr, tell them returning mockbeggar hall care him. appears @ end of out of oz, still glinda s butler in mennepin square in emerald city.

ig chef baernaereanaesis

one of members of staff @ mockbeggar hall whom glinda chooses stay when cherrystone places under house arrest. prefers called chef full name difficult say, glinda executes when first addresses him. cherrystone has him drowned in retaliation performance clock of time dragon.

miss murth

miss murth glinda s lady in waiting , 1 of members of staff @ mockbeggar hall whom glinda chooses stay when cherrystone places under house arrest. spends of time looking after rain , person takes girl seriously. has ability forge glinda s signature (a talent glinda exploits when replying cherrystone s letters) , uses escape hall when cherrystone informs glinda must relieve of member of staff. fate left uncertain though glinda believes may have met similar fate chef.

proctor gadfry clapp

proctor gadfry clapp headmaster of st prowd s school in shiz rain undergoes schooling in out of oz. brother of miss ironish. called fight loyal oz during rains stay @ school. later meets him in emerald city acting guard palace, reveals have lost leg. killed during dragon attack on city.

miss ironish clapp

miss ironish clapp deputy headmistress of st prowd s school in shiz. sister of proctor gadfry , described stern woman, not afraid speak mind. tells pupils negative views in behaviour believes build character better praise. appears @ end of out of oz consort princess ozma.


scarly scullery maid @ st prowd s school. rain first meets in attic scarly says used room has been ordered out rain has somewhere stay. becomes close friends rain, teaches how read. later appears @ end of out of oz assisting miss ironish care of princess ozma.


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