Conflicts with county staff and commissioners Douglas Bruce

because of opposition methods used finance construction, douglas bruce, county commissioner in 2005, objected placement of name on plaque marking county support of el paso county terry r. harris judicial complex. (pictured)

he refused accept vip pass colorado springs airport, characterizing bribe; objected introduction of public prayer during county commission meetings. bruce objected inclusion of name (alongside other county commissioners) on plaque marking county support of new courthouse expansion, threatening physically remove name plaque; opposition financing methods courthouse had been driving factor behind 2004 county commission campaign.

bruce s debating , speaking style during county commission meetings led occasional conflicts county staff , other commissioners. during first year, escalating series of disputes commissioner sallie clark led ruling, @ meeting chaired, bruce not allowed discuss colorado springs city politics. in 2006, bruce accused of intervening in county bidding process copying contract in favor of campaign supporter.

in 2006, el paso county attorney bill louis denounced bruce narcissist, sociopath , crackpot enabler supporting colorado s amendment 38, referendum designed ease rules petitioning measures onto election ballots. bruce , louis verbally tangled after louis called bruce s tactics guerrilla , louis announced: plan in limited power make sure [bruce s tenure in elected office] comes end @ point not of community of colorado , nation.

tensions rose during bruce s final weeks on county commission, sought vacancy committee s appointment state legislature. bruce criticized county staff being unresponsive inquiries, , sheriff terry maketa responded accusing bruce of harming morale of county staff, , told bruce supported bid legislature in order put in environment match ineffectiveness, statement applauded other county staff. during final commission meetings, bruce repeatedly cut off other commissioners during comments; other members of commission described behavior increase in grandstanding prior vacancy committee s meeting.


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