First war with the Lombards Thurisind

the highlighted borders of province of pannonia in roman empire in 2nd century

on becoming king in 548, thurisind found himself in difficult situation. sometime during 546–548, byzantine empire had conspired convince lombards under audoin move pannonia (modern hungary), former roman province bordering danube river. justinian hoped keep open land route balkans italy while containing gepids, considered serious menace byzantine interests on balkan frontier. gothic war between ostrogoths , byzantines had been raging on italian peninsula since 535; justinian wanted able rush troops italy if needed.

according contemporary procopius in de bello gothico (the section of de bellis regarding gothic war), justinian resented takeover gepids of formerly roman city of sirmium in 537, may have been voluntarily surrendered ostrogoths create difficulties byzantines. ostrogoths occupied war in italy , sought retain possessions in peninsula. sirmium s takeover followed in 539 bloody confrontation between gepids , byzantines had cost latter life of calluc, master of soldiers, , loss gepids of dacia ripensis (serbia) , singidunum (belgrade). because of this, justinian ended alliance had bonded gepids , byzantines, , had ceased paying tributes gepids, finding enemy set them against in lombards.

the build-up towards war involving lombards, gepids, , byzantines started possibly in 548 or 549, audoin , thurisind each sending embassy justinian s court @ constantinople, in attempts obtain military support justinian or @ least, in case of thurisind, pledge of neutrality. sway justinian, thurisind s envoys reminded him of long tradition of alliance , promised fight against byzantium s enemies. however, emperor sided lombards; made them formal allies , promised provide troops against gepids. justinian s perspective, war of major importance in larger context of gothic war, because possession of pannonia strategically necessary keep open land communications between italy , balkans.

historians debate when conflict started. proposed dates first war either 547 or 549. @ same time 2 peoples took field, 10,000-strong byzantine horse army under command of john, magister militum of illyricum, marched against gepids. before john s arrival, thurisind offered truce audoin accepted. result, when byzantines arrived, war had ended, not before had clashed gepids herulian allies. seal truce, audoin demanded thurisind should give ildigis, pretender lombard crown lived guest @ court. thurisind refused, did force ildigis leave gepids , search refuge.


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