Israel chosen for a purpose Jewish principles of faith

god chose jewish people in unique covenant god; description of covenant torah itself. contrary popular belief, jewish people not god chose jews. claim, itself, exists in tanakh (the jewish bible). such claim imply god loves jewish people, jews can close god, , jews can have heavenly reward. actual claim made jews chosen specific mission, duty: light unto nations, , have covenant god described in torah. reconstructionist judaism rejects variant of chosenness morally defunct.

rabbi lord immanuel jakobovits, former chief rabbi of united synagogue of great britain, describes mainstream jewish view on issue: yes, believe chosen people concept affirmed judaism in holy writ, prayers, , millennial tradition. in fact, believe every people—and indeed, in more limited way, every individual—is chosen or destined distinct purpose in advancing designs of providence. only, fulfill mission , others not. maybe greeks chosen unique contributions art , philosophy, romans pioneering services in law , government, british bringing parliamentary rule world, , americans piloting democracy in pluralistic society. jews chosen god peculiar unto me pioneers of religion , morality; , national purpose.


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