Main characters List of Shake It Up characters

1 main characters

1.1 cece jones
1.2 rocky blue
1.3 flynn jones
1.4 ty blue
1.5 deuce martinez
1.6 gunther hessenheffer
1.7 tinka hessenheffer

main characters

cece jones

cecelia cece jones, portrayed bella thorne, impulsive , street-smart girl. loves dancing as best friend, rocky, , dance together. parents divorced , lives brother , mother. initially, performs poorly in school partially because of dyslexia (though isn t revealed until later), in part because of trouble-making behavior , lack of motivation. gradually improves academically series progresses. being fearless, cece getting trouble. despite failing audition due stage fright, earns spot background dancer on local dance show shake chicago .

in shake , revealed in flashback cece , rocky met in ballet class when around 5 years old. there became best friends , cece gave nickname rocky , stating easier real name, raquel.

cece cares family much. loves little brother, flynn, irresponsible when babysitting him, such when , rocky forgot him @ park in season one, , when forgot buy ingredients flynn s cookies in season two. cece , flynn shown have love , hate relationship, comfort each other when other down. cece has great relationship father, jj jones. 2 share same personality. cece , flynn parents along better when re divorced.

cece s best relationship mother, georgia jones. fight sometimes, make up. cece helps georgia take care of flynn, , times kisses her, such in season 1 when wanted cell phone, , in season 2 when wanted go down movie studio mom worked @ , meet taylor lautner. in season three, cece desperately wanted mom find boyfriend, , rocky set firefighter named jeremy hunter. when georgia , jeremy become engaged, jeremy s son, logan (leo howard) , cece agreed put aside differences parents happy. turned out, though, @ altar georgia , jeremy realized didn t want married , broke up.

in future , revealed in future, cece marries logan , have son named logan junior (lj short) looks , acts flynn. cece became broadway star.

overall, cece has pretty bad romantic life aside season 3. in opposites attract , cece meets , starts dating james, total opposite of cece. in psych , james breaks before can because have nothing in common. later on in episode, meets psychiatrist tells meet love of life soon. when cece goes meet him, turns out dog cece takes home. in end though, dog s owner, monroe, takes home dog , asks out cece. never confirmed if broke or not.

cece 1 of 2 characters appear in every episode; other, appropriately enough, best friend rocky.

rocky blue

raquel rocky blue, portrayed zendaya, book-smart girl heart belongs dancing. vegetarian , supporter of animal rights, mentioned in meatball . trying cece out of trouble, gets them both trouble. ty s younger sister. dad never seen until 1 season 2 episode mentioned briefly ty throughout season 1, explaining absence, s on business trips. though rocky s real name raquel, cece gave nickname rocky when first met, caught on of rocky s friends , family.

rocky not take people disliking her, seen in give . father doctor doctors without borders. mom hair beautician in episode heat , , ordained minister, via internet in up. , cece love beyoncé knowles. in merry merry revealed cece middle name oprah. rocky referred others freakishly tall age, while cece freakishly short. rocky shown love taylor lautner. seems make joke out of @ wrong time, can make joke no 1 catch on to.

it shown in made in japan deathly afraid of flying . rocky pulled cece s crazy schemes, , punished or grounded cece in end. rocky tries cece s voice of reason, cece doesn t listen follows own rules. ty, deuce, gunther, , tinka refer rocky cece s sidekick.

rocky s relationship family strong. rocky , mother, marcie on terms, mother overprotective when comes rocky dating. rocky , father have relationship, , although wants doctor, sees how rocky loves dance, , accepts it. rocky , brother ty have great, , strong brother-sister bond. ty overprotective of little sister, @ same time, can fight.

rocky s romance life bad cece s. rocky hasn t had major love interests until season three. cece s future stepbrother, logan hunter asked rocky teach him how slow dance, while rocky teaching him, rocky kissed logan (twice) , kissed back. 2 started developing crush each other. @ georgia , jeremy s wedding in , rocky accidentally reveals kiss(es) logan cece, georgia, marcie, , jeremy. jeremy , logan leave altar honeymoon, logan tells rocky call him. , logan start dating in love , war , dumps him @ end when logan refuses friends cece.

in future , rocky shown married spy named mark , has 1 child. big star cece.

in quit , cece, rocky , tinka had audition shake chicago again. rocky did not pass audition though , later watched shake chicago on tv dad. however, in forward & , on show.

flynn jones

flynn jones, portrayed davis cleveland, cece s younger brother. described wise beyond years , characteristics include having appetite bacon, playing video games , annoying older sister. feels special affection rocky revealed in model . best friend cece s math tutor, college graduate named henry dillon, flynn s age. , cece s parents divorced. dad mentioned once , appeared in episode parent trap . seen dancing on show , performed routine ty , deuce in hot mess . ice cream seen in break .

in future , revealed in future, flynn owns multinational video game company (flynndustries) , made ty vice president, mean boss , has ty working 24/7. nephew, lj looks , acts him.

ty blue

ty blue, portrayed roshon fegan, rocky s older brother aspiring actor , rapper , host of shake chicago. although skilled dancer, passed on chance try out shake chicago , claiming not dance man . personality described hip, cool , sarcastic , , proclaims himself ladies man. , deuce seen together, have odd friendship each other of time. , deuce babysitting flynn. possible romance based relationship developed in episode add between him , tinka, not further progressed in following episodes. @ pranks, when doodled on flynn s face in give . new host on shake chicago, after previous host fired after arguing new executive producer blue (rocky or ty) make new cast.

in future , revealed in future, ty became vice president multinational video game company owned flynn. flynn forces him work 24/7 causes him not have love or social life. loses majority of hair , gains lot of weight due stress. @ high school reunion, tinka , ty admit missed each other , proposes her, accepts.

deuce martinez

martin deuce martinez portrayed adam irigoyen, cece , rocky s friend. said have inside-track everything. deuce best friends ty , dina s boyfriend. babysits flynn ty s help. , ty seen together. in break , revealed deuce faints @ sight of blood after rocky shows him how foot badly cut. of cuban descent. despite fact performed routine ty , flynn in hot mess , hinted several times deuce not dance. remarked (mostly ty) that, though in current relationship dina, deuce unattractive women. shown in party tricked. has identical cousin named harrison.

in future , revealed in future, deuce , dina married , have 7 boys. owner of crusty s, lives in rocky s old apartment , has mustache. @ end of episode, dina gives birth 8th child, girl, first in family.

gunther hessenheffer

gunther hessenheffer, (seasons 1-2) portrayed kenton duty, flamboyant twin brother of tinka (portrayed caroline sunshine) came chicago exchange students small mountain country in first grade. judging him , sister s names, appears country germany, sweden, or austria, descriptions of country, albania, kosovo, or montenegro. parents of tinka , gunther in 1 episode stranger twins. , sister frenemies cece , rocky. gunther owns numerous betwinklers. siblings wear bright, sparkly-accented clothing, that, along distinct accents, commonplace homeland. said gunther models sweaters. gunther closest sister, tinka, shares on-off friendship ty. in shrink , revealed in flashback, , tinka in same ballet class cece , rocky, , shown 2 pairs still frenemies @ young age. in season two, appeared sporadically absent thirteen episodes. leaves show @ end of season two.

tinka hessenheffer

tinka hessenheffer, portrayed caroline sunshine, twin sister of gunther (portrayed kenton duty) came chicago exchange students small mountain country in first grade. judging , brother s names, appears country germany, sweden, or austria, descriptions of country, albania, kosovo, or montenegro. eat strange food , give out left overs in small doggy bags. parents of tinka , gunther in 1 episode stranger twins. , brother frenemies rocky , cece @ school , fellow dancers on shake chicago. goes on date ty blue in 1 episode. shown have feelings each other after date over, further progress not shown in succeeding episodes. tinka takes pride in herself, similar gunther, , competitive. in season 3 premiere, tinka surprises rocky , cece acting nice them. reveals gunther has left return home , feels lost without him wants them friends. @ first wary, rocky , cece decide give tinka chance after tries take blame burning down dance studio. known talented cake decorator shown in oh brother .

in future , revealed in future, tinka becomes famous fashion designer (tinkaware). @ high school reunion, tinka , ty admit missed each other , proposes her, accepts.


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