Richmond society.2C second marriage.2C slavery and politics George Tucker (politician)

maria carter tucker, miniature portrait sully ca. 1805

tucker arrived in richmond letter of introduction st. george governor james monroe. cousin s letter said have accurately portrayed tucker s character , foretold future there: best qualities of heart unites excellent understanding, has been cultivated, , comprehensive knowledge of world; nature has blessed him exuberant flow of spirits, betray him acts of levity... tucker entered desired social circles in richmond, bolstered well-furnished home near governor s own, , count among acquaintances not governor (whom tucker called slow dull man ), george wythe, edmund pendleton, george hay , notably charles carter (1765–1829), introduced him daughter maria ball carter—the granddaughter of betty washington lewis. fell in love, , in february 1802 married maria, age seventeen , pregnant.

while tucker began writing publication, attorney deficient, being disabled fear of speaking in courtroom; later gained requisite self-confidence. tucker became founding member of virginia historical , philosophical society in richmond, effort led john marshall , john floyd; tucker named society s standing committee.

politically, tucker jeffersonian republican, delighted @ split in federalists between john adams , alexander hamilton, , joined in resentment toward federalist attempts appoint president party caucus. in time departed near-jacobin leanings , became pro-bank republican. once gave speech in support of federalist in local election, , staunch republican, lewis harvey, called him party traitor , liar. in reaction, hot-tempered tucker took swing @ him missed due intervention of neutral party. assuming challenge unsuccessful, tucker demanded satisfaction harvey accepted. tucker arranged duel, stipulating extraordinary distance in paces, diminish superior marksmanship of opponent. fortunately tucker duel avoided @ last moment—though not before had completed , arranged estate expecting wife. first child, daniel george, born november 23, 1802.

positions on slavery

tucker sought out foremost authors in richmond advance interest in literature , arts, , published essay entitled letter member of general assembly of virginia on subject of late conspiracy of slaves proposal colonization (1801), proposing remedy slavery. tucker s letter expressed opposition slavery, portraying unproductive , uneconomical. wrote no country can attain great heights in manufactures, commerce or agriculture 1 half of community labours unwillingly, , other half not labour @ all. recommended revenues secured (with tax on slaveholders) , used establish colony slaves west of mississippi. further asserted slave s inferiority result of time , circumstance, , not natural causes.

in 1820s however, tucker s views of slavery changed notably personal experience, , profit, realized in purchase , sale of slaves account , of father-in-law, charles carter. years opposed concepts of abolition , colonization impractical, reverted earlier conclusion more beneficial, commercially oriented, society inevitable. though recounted insipid benefits of slavery, predicted eventual death. indeed, freed own slaves in 1845, 16 years prior death.


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