Death Tamerlan Tsarnaev

tsarnaev @ site of bombings

in hours of april 19, 2013, in watertown, suburb of boston, tsarnaev apprehended police after being shot multiple times. exact sequence of events remains clouded in confusion, key details. according police, tsarnaev s younger brother ran him on suv , dragged him vehicle 20 feet (6 m), substantiated federal indictment. taken beth israel deaconess medical center, where, despite efforts revive him emergency medical personnel, pronounced dead several critical injuries, massive blood loss, , cardiac , respiratory arrest. emergency physicians said did not appear have been run over. eyewitness says struck police suv before shot multiple times.

tsarnaev s parents continue proclaim innocence. mother quoted saying, america took kids away me. m sure kids not involved in anything.

the imam of prominent boston mosque condemned violence , distanced suspects, refusing give tsarnaev muslim burial. body released funeral service hired family @ 5:30 p.m. edt may 2, 2013, massachusetts office of chief medical examiner. death certificate gives cause of death gunshot wounds torso , extremities, blunt trauma head , torso. confirmed struck , dragged vehicle, in addition being shot.

tsarnaev s body moved funeral home in north attleborough; after protesters picketed building, handed on graham, putnam, , mahoney funeral parlor in worcester. officials in boston, cambridge, @ state prison, , in on 120 other u.s. , canadian locations refused allow tsarnaev s body buried in jurisdictions. on may 9, worcester police announced tsarnaev s body had been buried in undisclosed location. later reported tsarnaev buried in small muslim cemetery, al-barzakh cemetery, in doswell, virginia. burial set in motion martha mullen of richmond, virginia, said appalled protests @ funeral home, said portrayed america @ worst , wanted find way end impasse. contacted islamic funeral services of virginia, agreed provide unmarked plot in cemetery. funeral agency released statement saying tsarnaev did between him , god. disagree violent actions, not release our obligation return body earth. caroline county sheriff tony lippa said burial legal. locals, imam of virginia islamic centre, condemned secretive burial.

on june 19, 2013, tsarnaev s name read aloud (in context of victim of gun violence) during no more names event held in concord, new hampshire. in response, michael bloomberg s mayors against illegal guns issued statement explaining using list compiled slate, , apologized saying name mistake , should have been removed.


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