French Revolutionary Wars Friedrich Wilhelm, Fürst zu Hohenlohe-Kirchberg

in 1792, placed in command of 50,000 austrian forces in upper rhine valley. in august, forces crossed rhine mannheim, , participated in bombardment of thionville, on moselle, in september. although invading forces of allies readily captured longwy on 23 august , marched on verdun, less defensible longwy. duke of brunswick began march on paris , approached defiles of argonne. in combination army of condé , hessian troops, portion of force, 15,000, covered left (southern) flank of prussian advance on valmy.

as seasoned , experienced officer, had been chosen mentor young archduke charles, , archduke assigned force; not @ valmy, hear cannonade. duke of brunswick s force engage northern flank of french army, called army of sedan, while hohenlohe-kirchberg s force engaged southern flank (army of metz).

grand cross of military order of maria theresa, awarded hohenlohe-kirchberg in 1792

in december 1792, hohenlohe-kirchberg s forces defended trier army of moselle commander, general of division pierre de ruel, marquis de beurnonville, removed command superiors in paris. on 31 december, hohenlohe-kirchberg awarded grand cross of military order of maria theresa success @ trier.

in may 1793, forces played decisive role in victory @ battle of famars. appointed general quarter master , chief of staff coalition s main army in flanders, succeeding general karl mack. part of belgian corps under field marshal saxe-coburg-saalfeld played decisive role in action @ avesnes-le-sec , later @ battle of fleurus (1794). subsequently, hohenlohe-kirchberg commanded corps on upper rhine , responsible recapture of speyer french on 17 september 1794. final military action; retired service in 1795 because of failing health , died in 1796.


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