History Biman Bangladesh Airlines

biman bangladesh airlines established on 4 january 1972 bangladesh s national airline under bangladesh biman ordinance (presidential order no. 126). initiative launch flag carrier taken 2,500 former employees, including ten boeing 707 commanders , 7 other pilots of pakistan international airlines, submitted proposal government on 31 december 1971 following independence of bangladesh. airline called air bangladesh changed current name.

fokker f-27 friendship of biman bangladesh airlines @ dum dum airport in 1974.

on 4 february 1972, biman started domestic services, linking dhaka chittagong, jessore , sylhet, using single douglas dc-3 acquired india. following crash of dc-3 on 10 february 1972, near dhaka, during test flight, 2 fokker f27s belonging indian airlines , supplied indian government entered fleet replacement. shortly afterwards, additional capacity provided incorporation of douglas dc-6, loaned world council of churches, in turn replaced douglas dc-6, dc-6b model leased troll-air, operate dhaka-calcutta route. on 4 march 1972, biman started international operations weekly flight london using boeing 707 chartered british caledonian. short haul fleet supplemented fokker f27 india on 3 march 1972; aircraft employed on daily scheduled flight between calcutta , dhaka on 28 april 1972. 3 additional fokker f27s acquired during march , september of year. in first year of operation, biman operated 1,079 flights carrying on 380,000 passengers.

a biman bangladesh airlines boeing 707-320c on short final london heathrow airport in 1981.

four fokker f27s joined fleet in 1973, enabling biman double frequency of kolkata flight twice daily service. boeing 707 added fleet in september , flight london became twice-weekly, while chittagong–kolkata flight began operating. in 1974, operations extended kathmandu (february), bangkok (november) , dubai (december). in 1976, biman sold 2 of fokker f27s , bought boeing 707 extend international services abu dhabi, karachi , mumbai. singapore added biman s list of international destinations, when third boeing 707 purchased in february 1977, followed jeddah, doha , amsterdam following year, saw purchase of fourth boeing 707. in 1977, biman converted public sector corporation governed board of directors appointed government. airline broke first time in 1977–78, , made profit following year. international destinations expanded include kuala lumpur, athens, muscat , tripoli in 1979, followed yangon, tokyo , dhahran in 1980. biman took delivery of first 85-seater fokker f28-4000 in 1981. in 1983, 3 douglas dc-10s joined fleet , airline started phase out boeing 707s. flight network expanded further include baghdad (1983), paris (1984) , bahrain (1986). on 5 august 1984, biman faced worst accident ever when fokker f27 flying in chittagong crashed near dhaka, killing 49 on board. long haul fleet supplemented purchase of 2 new airbus a310s in 1996, followed addition of 2 more in 2000, singapore airlines , air jamaica, , in 2003.


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