Psychology and neurobiology Tabula rasa

psychologists , neurobiologists have shown evidence initially, entire cerebral cortex programmed , organized process sensory input, control motor actions, regulate emotion, , respond reflexively (under predetermined conditions). these programmed mechanisms in brain subsequently act learn , refine ability of organism. example, psychologist steven pinker showed that—in contrast written language—the brain programmed pick spoken language spontaneously.

there have been claims minority in psychology , neurobiology, however, brain tabula rasa behaviours. instance, respect 1 s ability acquire both general , special types of knowledge or skills, howe argued against existence of innate talent. there have been neurological investigations specific learning , memory functions, such karl lashley s study on mass action , serial interaction mechanisms.

important evidence against tabula rasa model of mind comes behavioural genetics, twin , adoption studies (see below). these indicate strong genetic influences on personal characteristics such iq, alcoholism, gender identity, , other traits. critically, multivariate studies show distinct faculties of mind, such memory , reason, fractionate along genetic boundaries. cultural universals such emotion , relative resilience of psychological adaptation accidental biological changes (for instance david reimer case of gender reassignment following accident) support basic biological mechanisms in mind.

social pre-wiring

twin studies have resulted in important evidence against tabula rasa model of mind, specifically, of social behavior.

the social pre-wiring hypothesis refers ontogeny of social interaction. informally referred as, wired social. theory questions whether there propensity socially oriented action present before birth. research in theory concludes newborns born world unique genetic wiring social.

circumstantial evidence supporting social pre-wiring hypothesis can revealed when examining newborns behavior. newborns, not hours after birth, have been found display preparedness social interaction. preparedness expressed in ways such imitation of facial gestures. observed behavior cannot contributed current form of socialization or social construction. rather, newborns inherit extent social behavior , identity through genetics.

principal evidence of theory uncovered examining twin pregnancies. main argument is, if there social behaviors inherited , developed before birth, 1 should expect twin fetuses engage in form of social interaction before born. thus, ten fetuses analyzed on period of time using ultrasound techniques. using kinematic analysis, results of experiment twin fetuses interact each other longer periods , more pregnancies went on. researchers able conclude performance of movements between co-twins not accidental aimed.

the social pre-wiring hypothesis proved correct, central advance of study demonstration social actions performed in second trimester of gestation. starting 14th week of gestation twin fetuses plan , execute movements aimed @ co-twin. these findings force predate emergence of social behavior: when context enables it, in case of twin fetuses, other-directed actions not possible predominant on self-directed actions. .


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