Religion Iranian peoples

the iranian peoples worshipped various deities of found throughout proto-indo-iranian religion indo-european immigrants established themselves. earliest major religion of iranian peoples zoroastrianism, spread of iranian peoples living in iranian plateau. other religions had origins in iranian world mithraism, manichaeism, , mazdakism, among others.

mazari sharif s blue mosque in afghanistan structure of cobalt blue , turquoise minarets, attracting visitors , pilgrims on world. many such muslim architectural monuments can attributed efforts of iranian peoples predominantly followers of islam today.

modern speakers of iranian languages follow islam. follow judaism, christianity, zoroastrianism, , bahá í faith, unknown number showing no religious affiliation. overall numbers of sunni , shia among iranian peoples equally distributed. kurds, tajiks, pashtuns, , baloch sunni muslims, while remainder twelver shi a, comprising persians in iran, , hazaras in afghanistan. zazas in turkey largely alevi, while pamiri peoples in tajikistan , china ismaili. christian community represented armenian apostolic church, followed russian orthodox , georgian orthodox ossetians followed nestorians. judaism followed persian jews, kurdish jews, bukharian jews (of central asia) , mountain jews (of caucasus), of whom found in israel. historical religion of persian empire zoroastrianism , still has few thousand followers, in yazd , kerman. known parsis in indian subcontinent, many of them fled in historic times following arab conquest of persia, or zoroastrians in iran. ancient religion yezidi faith of ethno-religious group of yazidi people, followed yazidi people in northern iraq, syria, turkey , in armenia.

elements of pre-islamic zoroastrian , paganistic beliefs persist among islamized groups today, such tajiks, pashtuns, pamiri peoples , ossetians.


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