The Self Philosophy of Max Stirner
in order understand creative nothing , stirner uses poetry , vivid imagery. creative nothing dialectical shortcomings creates need description, meaning.
what stirner says word, thought, concept; means no word, no thought, no concept. says not meant, , means unsayable.
stirner elaborated attempt describe indescribable in essay stirner s critics , written stirner in response feuerbach , others (in custom time, refers himself in third person) :
stirner speaks of unique , says immediately: names name not. articulates word, long calls unique, adds nonetheless unique name. means different says, perhaps calls ludwig not mean ludwig in general, means you, has no word. (...) end point of our phrase world, of world in beginning word.
the ego , own opens , closes quotation goethe reads have taken cause without foundation , unstated next line of poem being …and world mine . 1 of stirner s central ideas in realizing self nothing 1 said own world , because book states in last line: things nothing me [ibidem, p. 324].
by bringing essence prominence 1 degrades hitherto misapprehended appearance bare semblance, deception. essence of world, attractive , splendid, him looks bottom of — emptiness; emptiness — world s essence (world s doings).
[f]or being abstraction, . not abstraction alone: in all, consequently, abstraction or nothing: , nothing; not mere thought, @ same time full of thoughts, thought-world.
i say: liberate far can, , have done part; not given every 1 break through limits, or, more expressively, not limit limit rest. consequently, not tire toiling @ limits of others; enough if tear down yours. [...] overturns 1 of limits may have shown others way , means; overturning of limits remains affair.
stirner describes world-view, in brief, enjoyment , , claims nothingness of non-self unutterable (p. 314) or unnameable (p. 132), unspeakable yet mere word (p. 164; cf. stirner s comments on skeptic concepts ataraxia , aphasia, p. 26).
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