Commentaries on the Pentateuch Philo's works

1 commentaries on pentateuch

1.1 quaestiones
1.2 allegorical commentary
1.3 exposition of law

commentaries on pentateuch

philo s commentary on pentateuch classified within 3 genres.


the quaestiones explain pentateuch catechetically, in form of questions , answers ( zητήματα καὶ aύσεις, quæstiones et solutiones ). following fragments have been preserved: abundant passages in armenian – possibly full work – in explanation of genesis , exodus, old latin translation of part of genesis, , fragments greek text in eusebius, in sacra parallela, in catena, , in ambrosius. explanation confined chiefly determining literal sense, although philo refers allegorical sense higher.

allegorical commentary

Νόμων Ἱερῶν Ἀλληγορίαι, or legum allegoriæ, deals, far has been preserved, selected passages genesis. according philo s original idea, history of primal man here considered symbol of religious , moral development of human soul. great commentary included following treatises:

exposition of law

philo wrote systematic work on moses , laws, prefaced treatise de opificio mundi. creation is, according philo, basis mosaic legislation, in complete harmony nature ( de opificio mundi, § 1 [i. 1]). exposition of law follows in 2 sections. first come biographies of men antedated several written laws of torah, enos, enoch, noah, abraham, isaac, , jacob. these patriarchs, living impersonations of active law of virtue before there written laws.

then laws discussed in detail: first chief ten commandments (the decalogue), , precepts in amplification of each law. work divided following treatises:

this exposition more exoteric allegorical , might have been intended gentile audiences.


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