Family members Tamerlan Tsarnaev

1 family members

1.1 dzhokhar tsarnaev
1.2 ruslan tsarni
1.3 zubeidat tsarnaeva
1.4 katherine russell

family members
dzhokhar tsarnaev

ruslan tsarni

ruslan tsarni paternal uncle of tamerlan tsarnaev, , brother of anzor tsarnaev. trained lawyer, , moved washington state in 1995. returned kyrgyzstan end of decade, , returned united states, settling in montgomery county, maryland.

during manhunt brothers, interviewed fbi. when media arrived @ home, denounced actions of nephews , called on them turn in. buried remains of tsarnaev.

zubeidat tsarnaeva

zubeidat tsarnaeva mother of tsarnaev , brother. in photos of younger woman, wore western-style clothing. after arrived in u.s. russia in 2002, took classes @ catherine hinds institute of esthetics before becoming state-licensed aesthetician , getting job @ suburban day spa. after deciding no longer work in business served men, started working home, clients saw become more radical , promote 9/11 conspiracy theories.

tsarnaev s mother has been quoted saying urged him embrace islam in 2008 because concerned drinking, smoking, , pursuit of women. said began read more on internet. urged him quit boxing because islam prohibits hitting in face. praised russell, saying, serious, good, american girl converted islam if had been muslim. love lot.

tsarnaev s mother discussed jihad during 2011 phone call him taped russian government agency, , intelligence officials discovered text messages in discussed how tsarnaev ready die islam. mother recorded suggesting tsarnaev go palestine.

both tsarnaev , mother subject of russian intelligence inquiry u.s. government in 2011 because of russians perceived extremist islamic views. interviewed fbi found nothing pursue @ time. in late 2011, cia put both tsarnaev , mother in terrorist identities datamart environment database.

ruslan tsarni told ap home in maryland believed former sister-in-law had big-time influence on tsarnaev s growing embrace of muslim faith , decision quit boxing , school.

in 2012, zubeidat tsarnaeva arrested shoplifting $1,624 worth of women s clothing lord , taylor in natick, massachusetts. left u.s. russia , did not appear in court. anzor , zubeidat tsarnaev divorced in 2011 after twenty-five years of marriage. couple had no personal property or real estate divide , listed no retirement or pension benefits. gave reason split irretrievable breakdown of marriage no chance of reconciling our differences . mother s move toward more radical islam reportedly factor in breakdown of marriage. may have reconciled in dagestan.

she has expressed in tv interviews sons innocent , framed fbi.

katherine russell

tsarnaev s widow, katherine russell (a.k.a. karima tsarnaeva or katherine tsarnaev), born on february 6, 1989, in texas. raised in rhode island; father emergency room doctor , mother nurse. home has been described nominally christian , russell reportedly wasn t religious @ in high school. attended north kingstown high school, , graduated in 2007 @ top of class. yearbook entry lists plans college , peace corps. remembered talent in painting , drawing.

tsarnaev , russell met in 2007 in nightclub, after started communications major @ suffolk university. started dating on , off, , @ 1 point in 2009, tsarnaev living woman. tamerlan known cheat on russell, , friend of russell s told mother relationship abusive. russell s mother did not tamerlan first time met him. @ tsarnaev s insistence, russell converted islam in 2008, adopted hijab, , chose name karima after conversion.

russell dropped out of college in spring of 2010 after became pregnant in junior year, , couple married on june 21, 2010, in 15-minute ceremony in dorchester mosque. according officiant, russell called , made arrangements. 2 witnesses attended wedding.

she moved husband s apartment in cambridge , gave birth daughter zahara in late 2010. @ times, worked home health aide. september 2011 november 2012, , husband had income supplemented public assistance , food stamps. when tsarnaev in russia 6 months, , daughter stayed in cambridge.

at time of bombings on april 15, 2013, russell living husband , daughter in norfolk street family home in cambridge. younger brother officially lived there, in practice stayed in dorm @ umass dartmouth. after bombings, when suspects photos released, russell apparently contacted husband phone , text message. has refused disclose talked about.

after husband died, russell retreated parents home in rhode island. parents released statement saying [o]ur daughter has lost husband today, father of child. cannot begin comprehend how horrible tragedy occurred. in aftermath of patriot s day horror, know never knew tamerlan tsarnaev. our hearts sickened knowledge of horror has inflicted. refused take custody of husband s remains , has reverted using maiden name.

investigators discovered magazine bomb-making instructions on russell s computer, though not clear downloaded files. fbi has interviewed russell many, many hours, , collected dna samples. web history includes searches if husband becomes shahid, rewards you? , rewards wife of mujahedeen.

through attorney, amato deluca, russell insists not aware of husband s criminal activity, dna , fingerprints did not match on bombs, , no charges have been filed against her, although in future. deluca has said there’s been no suggestion @ government she’s going indicted. of june 12, 2015, lived on quiet street in new jersey daughter.


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