Further reading Thermoplasma

1 further reading

1.1 scientific journals
1.2 scientific books
1.3 scientific databases

further reading
scientific journals

ruepp, a.; graml, w.; santos-martinez, m.-l.; koretke, k.k.; volker, c.; werner mews, h.; frishman, d.; stocker, s.; et al. (2000). genome sequence of thermoacidophilic scavenger thermoplasma acidophilum . nature. 407 (6803): 508–513. doi:10.1038/35035069. pmid 11029001.  [1]
darland g; brock td; samsonoff w; conti sf (1970). thermophilic, acidophilic mycoplasma isolated coal refuse pile . science. 170 (3965): 1416–1418. doi:10.1126/science.170.3965.1416. pmid 5481857. 
ma, chao; pathak, chinar; jang, sunbok; lee, sang jae; nam, minjoo; kim, soon-jong; im, hookang; lee, bong-jin (october 2014). structure of thermoplasma volcanium ard1 belongs n-acetyltransferase family member suggesting multiple ligand binding modes acetyl coenzyme , coenzyme . biochimica et biophysica acta (bba) - proteins , proteomics. 1844 (10): 1790–1797. doi:10.1016/j.bbapap.2014.07.011. pmid 25062911. 
azami, yasuhiro; hattori, ai; nishimura, hiroto; kawaide, hiroshi; yoshimura, tohru; hemmi, hisashi (jun 6, 2014). (r)-mevalonate 3-phosphate intermediate of mevalonate pathway in thermoplasma acidophilum . journal of biological chemistry. 289 (23): 15957–15967. doi:10.1074/jbc.m114.562686. 

scientific books

madigan, m.t. & martinko, j.m. (2005). brock biology of microorganisms (11th ed.). pearson prentice hall. 
reysenbach, a-l (2001). family i. thermoplasmataceae fam. nov. . in dr boone; rw castenholz. bergey s manual of systematic bacteriology volume 1: archaea , branching , phototrophic bacteria (2nd ed.). new york: springer verlag. isbn 978-0-387-98771-2. 

scientific databases

pubmed references thermoplasma
pubmed central references thermoplasma
google scholar references thermoplasma


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