Grammar Okinawan language

1 grammar

1.1 parts of speech
1.2 others

1.2.1 copula
1.2.2 question words (疑問詞)


okinawan follows subject>object>verb word order , makes large use of particles in japanese. okinawan dialects retain number of grammatical features of classical japanese, such distinction between terminal form (終止形) , attributive form (連体形), genitive function of が ga (lost in shuri dialect), nominative function of ぬ nu (japanese: の no), honorific/plain distribution of ga , nu in nominative use.

one etymology given -un , -uru endings continuative form suffixed uri (classical japanese: 居り wori, be; exist): -un developed terminal form uri; -uru developed attributive form uru, i.e.:

kachuru derives kachi-uru;
kachun derives kachi-uri; and
yumun (japanese: 読む yomu, read) derives yumi + uri.

a similar etymology given terminal -san , attributive -saru endings adjectives: stem suffixed さ sa (nominalises adjectives, i.e. high → height, hot → heat), suffixed ari (classical japanese: 有り ari, exist; have), i.e.:

takasan (japanese: 高い takai, high; tall) derives taka-sa-ari;
achisan (japanese: 暑い atsui, hot; warm) derives atsu-sa-ari; and
yutasaru (good; pleasant) derives yuta-sa-aru.

parts of speech

nouns (名詞)

nouns classified independent, non-conjugating part of speech can become subject of sentence

pronouns (代名詞)

pronouns classified same nouns, except pronouns more broad.

adverbs (副詞)

adverbs classified independent, non-conjugating part of speech cannot become subject of sentence , modifies declinable word (用言; verbs, adverbs, adjectives) comes after adverb. there 2 main categories adverbs , several subcategories within each category, shown in table below.

prenominal adjectives (連体詞)

conjunctions (接続詞)

interjections / exclamations (感動詞)

verbs (動詞)

verbs classified independent, conjugating part of speech shows movements. conclusive form ends in ん (n).

adjectives (形容詞)

adjectives classified independent, conjugating part of speech shows property or state. conclusive form ends in さん (san).


存在動詞 classified independent, conjugating part of speech shows existence or decision of thing. やん (yan) attaches substantive.

adjectival verbs (形容動詞)

adjectival verbs classified independent, conjugating part of speech shows state of existence of events. やん (yan) attaches words shows state.

auxiliary verbs (助動詞)

prefix (接頭語)

suffix (接尾語)


question words (疑問詞)


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