History Emergency position-indicating radiobeacon station
1 history
1.1 united kingdom
1.2 united states
1.3 international cospas-sarsat programme
a plb can use either glonass or gps location services
automatic sos radios developed 1930s.
united kingdom
in uk, 1959 first automatic beacon liferafts had been produced ultra electronics, , @ same time burndept produced talbe (talk , listen beacon equipment)[1] - vhf, , sarbe - search-and-rescue-beacon equipment (uhf) range of beacons used fleet air arm , later, royal air force. later, sarbe beacons included radio voice communication survivor rescuing personnel.
united states
carriage requirements emergency locator beacons on non-jet powered fixed-wing civil aircraft became law on december 29, 1970, signing of senate bill s.2193, “the occupational safety , health act of 1970, public law 91-596. senator peter dominick (r-colorado) added unrelated beacon language rider bill, became section 31 of law. earlier in session tried add requirements amendment house bill h.r. 14465, “airport , airways development act of 1969,” unsuccessful.
the law set compliance dates 1 year after passage newly manufactured or imported aircraft (december 30, 1971), , 3 years existing aircraft (december 30, 1973). in response law, federal aviation administration (faa) published on march 13, 1971, notice of proposed rule making (nprm) 71-7 proposed amendments federal aviation regulations (far). after public comment, final rules published in federal register on september 21, 1971.
international cospas-sarsat programme
cospas-sarsat international organization has been model of international cooperation, during cold war. sarsat means search , rescue satellite aided tracking. cospas (КОСПАС) acronym russian words cosmicheskaya sistema poiska avariynyh sudov (Космическая Система Поиска Аварийных Судов), translates space system search of vessels in distress . consortium of russia, u.s., canada , france formed organization in 1982. since then, 29 others have joined.
cospas-sarsat defines standards beacons, auxiliary equipment mounted on conforming weather , communication satellites, ground stations, , communications methods. satellites communicate beacon data ground stations, forward main control centers of each nation can initiate rescue effort.
the u.s. coast guard once promoted emergency beacon on maritime vhf emergency channels. promotes superior cospas-sarsat system, , no longer services emergency beacons on maritime vhf frequencies.
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