Planters.E2.80.99 Protective Association.2C 1904-1908 Planters' Protective Association
1 planters’ protective association, 1904-1908
1.1 creation
1.2 american tobacco company , economic manipulation
1.3 expansion , popularity
1.4 decline
planters’ protective association, 1904-1908
a region in kentucky , tennessee between paducah , nashville, black patch noted cultivation of dark, heavy variety of tobacco. in 1904, felix g. ewing, wealthy planter of cedar hill, in robertson county, tennessee, campaigned throughout black patch calling downtrodden tobacco farmers join him in crusade become apostles of new idea. on september 24, 1904, meeting called convene @ guthrie, todd county, on kentucky-tennessee line, 6,000 farmers assembled. before day ended planters’ protective association organized.
the american tobacco company , economic manipulation
farmers had been suffering financially several months tobacco prices fell below cost of production in 1903. subject conditions deplorable many producers compelled sell tobacco @ prices returned them thirty cents day in time when average income southern tobacco farmers upwards of $3.00. while farmers speculated due overproduction of region’s cash-crop, dark-fried tobacco, vast majority asserted real problem rested american tobacco company. primary buyers of dark tobacco grown along kentucky-tennessee border representatives of atc , companies financed italian government’s tobacco monopoly, italian regie. representatives of planters’ protection association charged these 2 companies had agreement not bid against 1 another. agents of association gradually infiltrated local trust syndicates in area between 1904 , 1905, , confirmed these speculations.
formed in 1890, american tobacco company, headed north carolina entrepreneur george washington duke, underwent period of rapid expansion throughout 20th century. due technological advancements allowed production of machine-rolled cigarettes , cigars, american tobacco company capitalized in excess of $235,000,000 1906. duke trust assumed control of market, subjected ignorant, illiterate, tenant-farmers had poured black patch raise tobacco on share leases precarious conditions. company-owned shanties in constant disrepair, characterized chipped paint, broken chimneys, , rotting doorjambs. moreover, middlemen , independent buyers cut minimum , representatives of atc began buying directly farmers, competition in market eliminated.
expansion , popularity
as 1901 possible benefits of tobacco pooling – in entire crops remain unsold in attempt pressure market higher tobacco prices – frequent topics of discussion. in 1900s, wholesale prices of hopkinsville leaf, dark type, sold low 4 6 cents pound. american society of equity, in meantime, had commenced penetrate tobacco areas of kentucky , tennessee , once again of influential planters in region talked of possibilities of cooperative action. operating on theory agricultural producers not receiving equitable price products, american society of equity conceived idea of organizing farmers place price on products of farm , orchard. leaders of organization predicted farmers, if organized, wield power comparable of organized labor unions in cities. riding on popularity of american society of equity, planters’ protective association, @ peak in 1905, estimated have 30,000 members in western kentucky , tennessee.
by 1908, of vigor , determination went organization of association gradually died out due combination of internal , external complications. notably, unfavorable land tenure system, indolent , indifferent farmer, financial inability, , trust opposition succeeded in delay of progressive action. 1 of discouraging obstacles association faced independent farmer asserted independence refusing join association. these nonmembers, or hillbillies, believed better price obtained refusing join association, and, in many instances, succeeded in obtaining higher prices atc representatives due shortage of tobacco. 1 representative of american tobacco company remarked: use of going association? give , better prices can , there no commissions or expenses. sell direct, here cash now! consequently, refusal of cooperation result in deterioration of public’s opinion of planters’ protective association.
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