Zones Natural history of Mount Kenya

1 zones

1.1 lowlands surrounding mountain
1.2 cultivated zone
1.3 montane forest
1.4 bamboo zone
1.5 timberline forest
1.6 heathland , chaparral
1.7 afro-alpine zone
1.8 nival zone

lowlands surrounding mountain

the area surrounding mountain around 2,000 metres (6,600 ft) in elevation. climate warm , dry, , natural vegetation grassland , thorny scrub.

many types of grasses grow here, , trees , bushes in area used local people in variety of ways. shrubs euphorbia tirucalli , non-native lantana camara planted hedges.

there patches of native woodland, dominant native trees being in genera acacia , combretum. eucalyptus , fruit trees have been introduced.

cultivated zone

the lower slopes of mount kenya fertile , area heavily cultivated

the soils moist , fertile due past volcanic activity.

most of area cultivated on slopes of mount kenya used forest. during deforestation provide land crops , grazing trees left standing. these trees possible idea of trees used exist in forests. however, not @ representative since trees felled or retained specific reasons. sacred , useful trees standing, , other trees more retained grow alongside food crops species provide shade grazing animals. fig trees considered sacred kikuyu, can seen standing on lands. selectively retaining native trees, plantations of exotic trees can found, such of pine, eucalyptus , cypress. these reasons 1 must careful when inferring original composition of forests.

the crops grown around mount kenya have changed since arrival of europeans , increase in trade. people lived around mountain in late 19th century grew crops such millet, sorghum, beans , yams, new species have been introduced.

crops grown tea, coffee, beans, maize, bananas, potatoes, rice, citrus fruits, mangoes , vegetables. crops grown on different aspects of mountain vary due significant differences in amount of rainfall between northern , southern slopes. southern slopes wetter, ideal growing tea , coffee, whereas northern slopes dry these crops. few large scale farms grow wheat , barley. livestock kept in drier areas, particularly cows milk. system of irrigation has been developed has increased productivity in drier regions. however, many people in kenya dependent on rainfall on mountain, , cultivation , more extensive illegal irrigation reducing amount of water gets more distant areas, causing drought there.

between 1,800 metres (5,900 ft) , 2,500 metres (8,200 ft) there sub-montane forest, exploited forest-based industries, such sawmills, furniture , construction, despite official restrictions on forest cutting.

before 1900 there many wild animals found in lower regions of mount kenya. buffalo, rhinoceros, lion , many species of antelopes common, hippopotamus , crocodiles around rivers. since 1900 many of these animals have been reduced.

montane forest

the montane forest around mount kenya has variety of species


the lower limit of forest between 2,000 metres (6,562 ft) , 2,500 metres (8,202 ft). here again, there differences in vegetation on different aspects of mountain. on lower south-east slopes dominant species ocotea usambarensis, can grow 45 metres (150 ft). mosses, lichens , ferns grow here.

on northern slopes dominant species east african juniper juniperus procera. can on 30 m (100 ft) tall , used softwood timber. used timber podo, podocarpus milanjianus, can grow 45 metres (150 ft). african olive olea europaea (previously o. afriana) common in drier forest , @ lower elevations. schefflera similar strangler figs, in starts epiphyte , kills host tree. common shrubs elderberry (sambucus africanus), , raspberry (rubus spp.). herbs common in forest, including clover (trifolium), shamrock pea (parochetus communis), sunflecks (guizotia reptans), balsams (impatiens spp.), mints (leonotis spp.and plectranthus spp.) , stinging nettles (urtica massaica).

many species of animals live in montane forest. residents, , others visit surrounding land. various species of monkeys, several antelopes, tree hyrax , larger animals such elephant , buffalo live in forest. zebra found on northern slopes, forest belt narrowest, , more open. rare species, such giant forest hog, suni, mountain bongo, , maned rat found in forest. larger predators include hyena , leopard, , lion. many bird species found here, including turacos, francolins , hornbills. various types of sunbirds, parrots, swallows , mountain buzzards common. @ met station, on naro moru route, olive ibis (bostrychia olivacea; called african green ibis), , abyssinian ground-thrush can found, both of rare. on naro moru route buffalo have been observed digging soil horns , eating it. because of nutrients in soil.

the bamboo suppresses other vegetation growth, roads allow other species populate.

bamboo zone

the bamboo zone found in middle of forest zone. natural, , not result of deforestation or other disturbances. bamboo yushania alpina restricted areas of higher rainfall. reason sparse , stunted on northern slopes of mountain, , in places absent entirely. in western , southwestern slopes bamboo can grow 9 metres (30 ft), , in wetter south-eastern slopes can grow high 15 metres (50 ft). bamboo suppresses other vegetation, there scattered trees in zone, including juniper, podocarpus, , witch-hazel, plus varieties of flowers, ferns , mosses.

adult bamboo not palatable animals, , fauna reduced here. however, there many tracks through bamboo made large animals such buffalo , elephant on way between lower , upper forests.

red-hot poker 1 of flowers found in timberline forest , lower heathland zones.

timberline forest

mosses common in timberline forest.

giant groundsels in mackinder valley

the timberline forest found between 3,000 metres (9,800 ft) , 3,500 metres (11,500 ft), although extends lower altitudes on drier slopes. smaller trees dominate in timberline forest, , characteristic trees african rosewood (hagenia abyssinica) , giant st. john s wort (hypericum). common flowers red-hot poker (kniphofia thomsonii), violets (viola spp.), , giant forest lobelias (lobelia bambuseti , lobelia gibberoa).

heathland , chaparral

heathland , chaparral found between 3,200 metres (10,500 ft) , 3,800 metres (12,500 ft). heathland found in wetter areas, , chaparral found in drier areas. of plants in these areas shrubs small leaves. dominant plants in heathland areas erica , phillipia, can grow on 10 metres (33 ft) tall. in chaparral plants shrubbier , more aromatic, such african sage (artemisia afra) , sugarbush (protea kilimanjaro). these habitats may prone fire.

herbs found in heathland , chaparral zone gentians (swertia spp.) , large tussock sedges (carex spp.), alpine species living higher in zone.

animals in zone mixture of forest , alpine species. there few resident large animals in zone, rats, mice , voles live @ altitude, , predators, eagles, buzzards , kites, present. herds of eland found, , occasional lions, there no longer rhino on mount kenya.

the inflorescence of lobelia telekii can grow 3 metres (10 ft) tall

afro-alpine zone

the afro-alpine zone starts @ 3,500 metres (11,500 ft). characterised cold temperatures, thin dry air, , large daily temperature fluctuations. plants subject solifluction, needle ice produced every night in wetter soils. ice uproots seedlings , can damage roots. plants have evolved live without roots, such lichens , moss-balls. giant lobelias lobelia deckenii have small reservoirs of water between leaves water can freeze every night without damaging plants. when these plants subjected temperatures above 15 °c (59 °f), photosynthesis considerably reduced.

there 3 genera of giant rosette plants; carduus, dendrosenecio , lobelia. carduus keniensis, giant thistle, endemic mount kenya , aberdares. giant groundsels, senecio spp. (or dendrosenecio), found on east african mountains. have leaves 1 metre (3 ft) long, , species have arborescent (treelike) stems.

dendrosenecio keniodendron endemic mount kenya. giant rosette plant, , can grow 6 metres (20 ft) tall. tends grow in dense groups of even-sized plants, , flowers every 5–20 years, in synchrony across population.

the 2 giant groundsel species, dendrosenecio keniodendron , dendrosenecio keniensis separated altitude , topography. d. keniodendron occurs more increasing elevation above 3,900 metres (12,800 ft) , 4,500 metres (14,800 ft), whereas d. keniensis occurs below 4,000 metres (13,100 ft) , above 4,200 metres (13,800 ft). @ intermediate elevations, d. brassica occurs on wetter valley bottoms, , d. keniodendron on drier slopes. 2 species come in close proximity, hybrids not uncommon.

also present carex monostachya, agrostis trachyphylla, carduus platyplyllus, arabis alpina, senecio keniophytum , lobelia telekii.

there giant grass tussocks - festuca pilgeri in wetter areas , pentaschistis minor in drier areas.

giant lobelias grow sessile rosettes 50 centimetres (20 in) across, produce inflorescences 3 metres (10 ft) tall. tussock grass grows alongside lobelias.

dendrosenecio keniensis, lobelia keniensis , tussock grasses dominant in wetter areas. alchemilla species a. cyclophylla, a. argyrophylla , a. johnstonii dominant in drier areas.

there on 100 species of wildflowers in afro-alpine zone including everlastings (helichrysum spp.), buttercups (ranunculus orephytes), sunburst (haplocarpha rupellii) , african gladioli (gladiolus thomsoni). because of variation in flowering times, species in flower @ times of year.

on alpine slopes there several species of birds. red-tufted sunbirds live here, alpine chats, slender-billed starlings, wagtails , birds of prey such augur buzzard, lammergeier, mackinder s eagle owl, , verreaux s eagle (which specializes on hunting rock hyrax). birds pollinate lobelia species.

there butterflies, there no bees, wasps, fleas, or mosquitoes. trout have been introduced streams , tarns , found around mountain.

smaller mammal species live in afro-alpine zone, including groove-toothed rat, giant mole-rats, african dormice , rock hyrax. few large mammals found @ altitude. eland , zebra found in dry areas, , common duiker found throughout alpine zone. buffalo, elephant , hyena visitors.

the common large mammalian carnivore in afro-alpine zone leopard, although lion , hyena have been seen in alpine zone. melanistic leopards occur.

the nival zone

plants in nival zone scarce. must small withstand climate.

the nival zone area above vegetation. on mount kenya area above 4,500 metres (14,800 ft). there still scattered giant groundsels, helichrysum , lobelia, few other plant species.

buffalo, elephant, leopard , hyena have been seen in zone, although infrequently.


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